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NOTE 21 - RISK MANAGEMENT:. <br />_ ::-.~r~u,-.~.. <br />:,~;~ <br />.=~;~- <br />The Cottnty is exposed to various uaiasured risks of loss related to workecs' oo~ation, tort, ge.neral Iiability, and <br />employx medical aod deatal claims. The Iqsurance Fund, sn iatenoal service fund, is u'ed to accouot for and financ~e tbe <br />County's uninsurod risks of loss. Tort aad geaeral liability ctaims are limited W 5100,000 per i~ividusl aad s500,000 per <br />occunrace by state statute. In addition, the Counry canies risk coveraga with c~mmetvial insurets for workers' <br />compeas~tion losses in e~ccxss of S2S0,000 co an upper limit of SS.000.000, and for medical claims that eacceed 575,000 per <br />individnal and 125 96 of estimated claims o~ 52,400,000 per year. S~tled clsims have not axoeeded this commercisd ooverage <br />to date. <br />All funds of the Connty partici~te ia du risk maoagemeat pm~ram aod maka payments to t6e lnsurancx Ftmd based ~ <br />estimates aeeded to WY Prior- and curneat-yar claims aad to esbblish a reaerva for ~rophic loasee. The claims liability <br />of s734,000 reported in the Insuranoe Fund at Juae 30, 1993 is basal on the requin~ents of Govanmeatal Accounting <br />Standards Board Statement No. 10, wluch reqnirra that a liability for claims be repoited if information prior to tLe issuance <br />of the financial atatemeats indicates thst it is probable t}iat a~liability bas been incurred at dre date of the financW statemeats <br />and the amount of loss caa be reasoaably estimated. T'he claims liability is b~sed en ~m avaluation of outstandia~ claims, <br />using past expexieace and c~urent as~sate~ts of pot~tial md probable e~tposure, as w~ell as an astimata for inc~rred but <br />not reported cisims as of June 30. 1993. Cbaages in estimates of claims ooets resulting from du County's c~tinuous review <br />pr+ocess and diffezmxs betwxa estimatea and paymeats of claims are racognined in tLa result~ of operati~s of the Iusu~ance <br />Fund as determinable. <br />Changes in the Insurance Funds' daims liabilty amount in fiscal years 1992 and 1993 w~ere: <br />Beginning-of-fiscal year liability <br />Ctirnent-year claims and change in estimates <br />Claim paya~ats <br />Balance at fiscal year-end <br />NOTE 22 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS: <br />Fiscat Year Fiscal Year <br />1992-1993 1991-1992 <br />S 1,124,000 S 1,100,000 <br />3,787,650 4,102,175 <br />(4.177.6501 (4.078.175 <br />734 000 ~ 4 000 <br />On August 10, 1993, the County negotiated a short-term tax anticipation note with the United States National Bank of Oreg~ <br />in the amount of 54,900,000. The note maturts on June 30, 1994 aad bears interest at the rate of 2.7596 per annum. <br />-29- <br />