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Septic Authorization 555-17-003875-AUTH Page 2 of 2 <br /> U.'�1 3t1 D t ��i tJ€1 31f Q o 'l e- , ' t i a <br /> �� §dab re's $,� <br /> Wa : [ tion, U AR 1 fly R FOR.d*'TOTAL OF4 �� x <br /> Conditions of Approval: <br /> Existing system information: <br /> Marion County records indicate the system serving this residence was installed in 1999 under permit number 99-02818. The <br /> system is comprised of a 1500 gallon two compartment tank and 450 linear feet of drainline. <br /> The initial authorization review showed that the proposed addition to the home would not have met setbacks to the septic effluent <br /> line. A minor alteration permit was issued and work was completed in September of 2018. The line now meet setbacks,per <br /> pictures submitted by the installer. <br /> The tank was pumped and inspected by A&B Septic on May 15,2017. The pumper noted no signs of failure. <br /> Flow increase information: <br /> The system was designed to serve a dwelling with up to four bedrooms and a maximum sewage flow of up to 450 gallons per <br /> day. The application is to connect a 1-bedroom addition to this system for a total of 4 bedrooms. This change of use will result <br /> in an addition of 75 gallons per day and can be approved under Oregon Administrative Rule(OAR)340-071-0205(4). Please see <br /> the signed approved site plans dated March 6,2019. <br /> EFFLUENT LINE: Schedule 40 1 %inch pipe per submitted plans. <br /> OBSERVE ALL SETBACKS AND SEPARATION DISTANCES: As required by the DEQ rules. The well placement is especially <br /> critical and must be located at least 50-feet from the septic tank. A minimum 5-foot setback is required from the septic tank to a <br /> foundation of a building or other structure. A copy of the DEQ setback requirements is enclosed. <br /> THE APPROVED SEPTIC SYSTEM AREA MUST BE PROTECTED from any vehicular traffic,livestock and farming activities. <br /> Other activities such as logging,excavating or filling,driveway placement or any similar activities may also damage the soil in <br /> the area and adversely affect the septic system approval. The areas of the initial septic system and the future repair system <br /> must both be protected. <br /> The septic tank should be pumped and inspected by a licensed septic tank pumping service approximately every five(5) <br /> years. The septic tank is a reservoir for the solid materials in the sewage waste stream. Excessive accumulation of these solid <br /> materials in the septic tank will cause the solids to wash out of the tank and into the DRAINFIELD. This will cause irreversible <br /> damage to the DRAINFIELD and will lead to premature system failure. <br /> THIS SYSTEM MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO BACKFILL. When work is complete and ready for <br /> inspection,request an inspection by following the instructions on the accompanying permit document. A twenty four hour water <br /> test is required on all septic tank installation.You may leave a message for the inspector if desired. Be sure the System Record <br /> form with the As-Built drawing is on the job or in our office when the inspection is requested. An inspection should be completed <br /> within seven(7)days. <br /> Note:This Notice does not guarantee satisfactory or continuous operation of the sewage system. Should the system fail,a repair <br /> permit from DEQ is required. <br /> If you disagree with this report,you have the right to apply for an authorization notice denial review.The application for review <br /> must be submitted in writing within 45 days of the report issuance and be accompanied by the review fee in OAR <br /> 340-071-0140(3),Table 9C and any additional information DEQ needs to complete the review. <br /> You may apply for a variance to the onsite wastewater treatment system rules. The variance application must include a copy of <br /> the site evaluation report, plans and specifications for the proposed system,specify the rule(s)to which a variance is being <br /> requested,demonstrate the variance is warranted, and include the variance fee in OAR 340-071-140 Table 9C. A variance may <br /> only be granted if the variance officer determines that strict compliance with a rule is inappropriate or special physical conditions <br /> render strict compliance unreasonable, burdensome or impractical. A senior DEQ variance officer will be assigned the variance <br /> application. <br /> Matthew Puntney Onsite Inspector 3/12/19 <br /> 3/12/19:2:38:33PM Page 2 of 2 ONS_OnsiteAuthorizationpr <br />