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RDRIN[$TRAT[ON <br /> <br />FAX NO, 15032676088 P, 03 <br /> <br />Pdar to application of GlasKap, cut the cap sheet into <br />handleable lengthe (12' - 18'). lay the material out on the roof <br />and allow It to relax and flatten. To accommodate a full width <br />sheet, apply a mopping of hot asphalt, approximately 20~F <br />above the EVT, st a nominal rate of 23 ~. pe~ square. <br />higher temperature maximizes the bonding of the c~p sheet <br />~o t~ ply felts.) Then flop the cap sheet inlo ~he hot asphalt, <br />On subsequent courses, the cap sheet is positioned upside <br />d~wn, directly ever ~he ~heet in the preceding ~urse such <br />that the aide ~p ere~ ts exposed. Cam should be taken to <br />maintain ~" s~de Ja~ ~nd 6" end laps. AsphaJ~ is ap~Jed in <br />the same manner as belore, however, it is aJso applied to <br />exposed side Jap area of both the preceding and curtain cap <br />sheet. The tap cap sheet is then flopped into place. The cap <br />sheet mu~ be firmly and unJform~ set, without voids, Jn~0 the <br />ho~ asphalt with all ~ges weJ~ seal~. <br /> <br />At ambient temperatures below 70"F, refer to the enid <br />applications sections in the Manville ~oilt. Up Roofing <br />Systems Products -',nd Speclflea¢ons Manual or the Manville <br />lndustrial/Commeroial Rooting Syslema Manual. <br /> <br />ASphalt should meet the requirements established in ASTM <br />B 312_ Never heat the ~sphalt above the Fl~sh P~int <br /> <br />should ~e stri~ly regulated and neve~ ~[ow fo~ more tha~ <br />hou~ to preclude ~sphaft degradatlon. If the Equlviscou$ <br />Temperature (E~) is not available, heating guid~lines are as <br />fo~ow~: <br /> <br />A~Dhelt Type Heating Application <br /> <br />~70'~F, Type II, Flal 450~F 328 - 400~F <br />190"F, Type III, Steep 500~F 350 - 475~F <br />220~F, Type IV, Special Steep 500'F 375 - <br />~u~On decks with ;' s~0pe over 1"' per <br />~o0t the roofing felts mu~ ~e installed paraflel ~0 the incline <br />and muS~ be nai)~, Nailing str~ps ~hall ~ att~hed to <br />deck, mn perpendicular to the incline, be ca~ble 0f <br />the nails securing the roofing felts, h~ve {he sam8 thickness <br />as the insulation, and be at least 3 V~" wide, Woad nailing <br />~dps shall be provided at the ridge and et the tol~owlng <br />approximate imermedJate points: <br /> <br />lamina Nailer Spacing (D) Type of Asphalt <br /> <br /> V~" Not required Type ~1' <br /> 1" Not required Type III <br /> 2" 20' face to face Type Ill <br /> 3" 1(3' face to face Type <br /> 6" 4' face la taco Type Iv <br /> <br />Locate a nail at each nailer, spaced 3/¢, from the leading edge <br />of the felt. Nails must have a 1" minimum dlarneter cap, <br />Where capped nails are not used, tastenere must be driven <br />through caps having a minimum diameter of 1". <br /> <br />Termination of a continuous cap sheet MUST occur at a <br />nailer. At pointa of termination, locate 5 nails at each nailer. <br />The tirol nail ia [o be spaced ~/," from the leading edge of the <br />cap sheet, w~ the remainin~ 4 na~is spaced approxima~e[y <br />8 V2" a.a. with the nails ~[aggered acmes the Width of t~e <br />nailer to reduce the chance of the cap sheet tearing along the <br />nail line. <br /> <br />Surfacing <br />No additional sod'acing is required; <br /> <br /> <br />