RUO-17-O4 ~ED 14flu RDNINISTRRTION F~X NO, 1803267~068 P, O2
<br />
<br />Five Ply , ~
<br />Mineral-Surfaced For use over oncrete or Other
<br />Fiber Glass Non-Nallable Decks and Fesco®
<br />
<br />Built-Up Roof
<br />
<br />Board, Fes*Core% Fesco-Foam®,
<br />UltraGard Gold®, UltraGard
<br />Premier'" or Approved insulation
<br />with Inclines of t/4" to 6" per foot
<br />For Regions 1, 2 & 3
<br />
<br />U.L Ciaselflcations
<br />Class A
<br />Max. Slope: 1 Vt*
<br />Dock: Non~Combust,
<br />InsUlation; Festa,.
<br />Pes-Core, Fesco. Foam.
<br />UltraGard Getd, UttraGard
<br />Premier, nons
<br />
<br />Class B
<br />Max. Slope: 3"
<br />Oeck: Non-Combust,
<br />tnsulaflon: Pasco,
<br />Fee-Core, Fesco-Foam.
<br />UltraGard Gold, U[traGard
<br />Premier, nose
<br />
<br />Option: 'Is" Retro-FIt'" overlay Option; '/~" F:etro-F[t overlay
<br />Surfacing; GlasKape Surfacing: GlasKap
<br />Max. Slope: 1" ~ ~
<br />Deck; Combust. & Non-Combust, ~ ~
<br />Insulation' Fesce. Fas-Core, ~ .... .,.~,\ .I
<br />
<br />UltraGard Premier, none ~ ~ ~ ~ X
<br />SUdac~ng: GI~sKap
<br />
<br />General
<br />This specification is for usa over any type et structural deck
<br />which is not ne}labia and which offers a suitable surface to
<br />receive the roof. Poured and pre-assr'concrete decks require
<br />pr[ming with Manville Concrete Primer.
<br />
<br />It is also fo," use over Pasco, Fas-Core, Pasco-Foam, UItra-
<br />Gard Gold. UltraGard Premier or other approved insulations
<br />which ere not nailable ~Lnd which offer e Suitable sudace to
<br />receive the roof, Insulations should be installed in accordance
<br />with Manville Insulation Specifications 500. 501. $02, or 503.
<br />Refer to lhe ManWl/e lndustdal/Oommerclal Roofing Systems
<br />Manual It can also be used over Manville Recover Specifica-
<br />tions RC-1, RC-g, RC-3 or RC-4. This specification is not to be
<br />used directly over gypsum, lightweight insulating concrete
<br />decks, eithsr poured or pro-cast, or over fill made of light-
<br />we~gh~ insulating concrete.
<br />
<br />Design and In$lallalk)n of the deck and/or reef substrata
<br />must result In the roof draining freely to outlets numerous
<br />enough and so located as to remove water promptly and
<br />completely. Areas where water ponds for more than 24
<br />hours ere unacceptable and will not be guaranteed.
<br />
<br />Note; All general instructions contained in the current Manville
<br />I~dustdaPCommercial Rootir~g Systems Manual should be
<br />copsidered peri of this specification_
<br />
<br />Flashings
<br />Fiashing details are available on separate speciflcetien sheets
<br />or can pe ~ound in the Built-Up Roofing Systems Products e~d
<br />Specifications Manual or the Manville industrial/Commercial
<br />Roofing Systems Manual.
<br />
<br />Materials per 100 sq. ft, of Roof Area
<br />
<br />Concrete Primer:'
<br />if required ....................................................................... 1 gat,
<br />
<br />GlasPly~PremierorGlasPJy IV ...................................4 plies
<br />Gla,sKap Mineral Surfaced Cap Sheet ............................ 1 ply
<br />
<br />Bitumen:
<br />Incline per foot Asphalt Nominal Weight
<br />Up to I" 170'F, Type II, Flat '~ lbs.
<br />1' to 3" 190'F. Type IlL Sleep 92 lbs,
<br /> 3" to 6" 220'F, Type IV, Speclal Steep 92 lbs.
<br />
<br />Approximate installed weight; 2:00 - 254 Il,S,
<br />
<br />Application , 1"
<br />Note: On roof decks with slopes up to per foot the roofing
<br />felts in mineral surfaced Specifics!ions may be installed either
<br />perpendicular or parallel to the roof incline.
<br />
<br />Using GlasPly Premier or GlasPly t% start with a piece g"
<br />wide, then over that, one 18" wide. then over that. one 27"
<br />wide, then over alt three, a full width piece. The following felts
<br />are to be applied fuji width, overlapping the preceding fehs by
<br />27 ~h' so that at Ieest 4 plies of felt cover the substrata at all
<br />locations. JnstslI each felt so that it is firmly and uniformly set.
<br />wilhou! voids, into the hot asphalt (within 25'F of the EVT)
<br />applied just before the felt at a nomMal r~te cf 23 lbs. per
<br />square over the entire surface, When installed over insula-
<br />tions, more ar less than 23 Ihs. per square of roofing bitumen
<br />may be needed due to the absorbency of the insulation.
<br />
<br />
<br />