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695 8th Streeet SE <br />Permit # 57896 <br />Control ~ 94-3464 <br />October 4, 1994 <br />Page 1 <br /> <br /> Marion Cgunty <br /> OREGON <br /> COMMUNIYY D£VELOPMENT <br /> <br />Building Inspection - Dwellin9 Plan Review <br /> <br />The attached plans have been reviewed for compliance with %he State of Oregon <br />1993 Editien one and TwO Family Dwelling Specialty code. <br /> <br />A copy of approYed plans shall be kept on the site of the building or <br />work at the time of inspection. (R-Ii1.2) <br /> <br />Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all buildings in such a <br />position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road <br />fronting the property. (UPC 10.208) <br /> <br />The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of 6 in, <br />within the first 10 ft., except as restricted by lot lines where the <br />fall will be a minimum of 6 in. regardless of the horizontal dists.nce <br />available. (R-301.3) <br /> <br />When the footing and stemwall are poured in two separate pours, a keyway <br />in the footing is an acceptable method of transferring lateral loads <br />(seismic or wind) f~om the stemwall into the footing, or as an <br />alternate, provide 18 inch long No. 3 dowels, extending 12 inches into <br />the wall from the footing, ~paced at 4 feet on center. <br /> <br />Every sleeping room shall have at least one operable window approved for <br />emergency egress or rescue. ~he window sill height shall not be more <br />than 44 inches above the floor. The minimum net clear opening width <br />dimension shall be 28 inches. The minimum net opening height shall be <br />24 inches. The minimum net clear opening area shall be at least 5.7 <br />square feet. (R-210.2) <br /> <br />Heating and cooling appliances located in a garage shall be protected <br />from impact by automobiles. Appliances that generate a glow, spark of <br />flame capable of igniting gasoline vapors located in a garage shall be <br />installed with burners, burner ignition devices or heating elements and <br />switches at least 18 inches above the floor level. (M-1006.3) <br /> <br />Smoke detectors shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping <br />area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each additional <br />story of the dwelling including basements. All detectors shall be <br />interconnected such that the actuation of one alarm will actuate all the <br />alarms in the individual unit and shall provide an alarm which will be <br />audible is all sleeping areas. (R-215.1) <br /> <br />"APPROVED" only when this sheet is attached to plans <br /> <br /> <br />