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JOE PETROVICH <br />JANUARY il, 1992 <br />PAGE 2 <br /> <br />Darrlene contacted our office June 8, 1992, and I again suggested <br />that she work with a consultant and explained the information <br />necessary to design a repair. I believe that Zan Ewing of sani- <br />Tech was contacted, but we have not received any correspondence <br />from him. <br /> <br />I stopped Dy the restaurant December 11, 199Z and observed that <br />the system was not repaired. Sewage effluent was still exposed <br />(in an open pit) to the ground surface. We have had no contact <br />with Darrlene since the June 8, 1992 phone conversation. Another <br />letter was mailed to her dated 12/16/92 requesting ii,mediate <br />repair plans. The le%ter was apparently ignored, so the file is <br />referred to your office. <br /> <br />A copy of our records is enclosed. Hopefully, everything that you <br />need is here. We have some photogr&phs if you need them. I doubt <br />that they will copy well. Call, either Robert Foster or m~ if you <br />have any questions or need additional information. We are usually <br />in the office between $ and 10 AM. <br /> <br />LEE A. GRIMES <br />SOIL SCIENTIST <br /> <br />DON WOODLEY <br />BUILDING OFFICIAL <br /> <br /> <br />