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t:~ • <br />Notwithstanding any other payment provision of this contract, failure of the CONTRACTOR to submit required reports <br />when due, or failure to perform or document the performance of contracted services, may result in withholding of <br />payments under tlus contrac~ Such withholding of payment for cause shall begin thirty (30) days after written notice is <br />given by the COi1NTY to the CONTRACTOR, and shall continue until the CONTRACTOR submits required reports, <br />performs required services or establishes, to the COiJNTYS satisfaction, that such failure arose out of causes beyond the <br />control, and without the fault or negligence of the CONTRACTOR. <br />6. RECOVERY OF FUNDS <br />Eapenditures of the CONTRACTOR may be charged to this contract only if they (1) are in payment of services performed <br />under this contract, (2) conform to applicable state and federal regulations and statutes, and (3) are in payment of an <br />obligation incurred during the contract period. <br />a. Unauthorized Expenditures and Ezcess Pavments <br />Any COUNTY funds spent for purposes not authorized by this contract and payments by the COLJNTY in egcess <br />of authorized ezpenditures shall be deducted from payment of reimbursements or refunded to the COiJNTY no <br />later than thirty (30) days after the contract's eapiration or notification from the CONTRACTOR <br />The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to repay for prior contract period eacess payments and unrecovered <br />advanced payments provided by the COiJNTY. Repayment of prior period obligations shall be made to the <br />COLTNTI' in a manner agreed on. <br />b. ('ontract Termination or Suspension <br />In the event of termination of all or part of this contract as specified in Section 13 of Part I of this contract, <br />COUNTI' funds not earned at the date of termination or cancellation shall revert to the COiJNTY. <br />7. AUDITS AND INSPECTIONS <br />The CONTRACTOR shall permit authorized representatives of the COiJNTY, State of Oregon, or the applicable audit <br />agencies of the U.S. Government to review the records of the CONTRACTOR as they relate to the contract services in <br />order to satisfy audit or program evaluation purposes deemed necessary by the COiJNTY and permitted by law. <br />8. REPORTING REOUIItEMENTS <br />By signature on the contract, the CONTRACTOR grants the COiJNTY, ezcept where eapressly prohibited by law, the <br />right to reproduce, use aad disclose for COiJNTY purposes, all or part of the reports, data and technical information <br />furnished the COUNTY under this contract. <br />9, ~~,.1~ :T~.~i Wm~rrrrnrr enm rnivFmFNTiALiTY OF RECORD <br />The CONTRACTOR agrees to establish and maintain records and statistics as follows: <br />~nancial records, which indicate the number of hours of service provided under this contract <br />and other appropriate records pertinent to this contract shall be retained for a minimum of <br />three (3) years after the end of the contract period. If there are unresolved audit questions at <br />the end of the three-year period, the records must be maintained until the questions are <br />resolved. <br />Client records shall be kept confidential in accordance with ORS 179.505, OAR 309-11-020, 45 CFR 205.50 and 42 CFR <br />Part 2. <br />10. CIVn RIGATS REHABILITATION ACT AMERICANS WITH DISABILTI'I~S ACT and TITLE VI OF TI~ CIVI L <br />RIGHTS ACT. <br />REV 7/98 <br />