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r <br />The CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and 1991, Americans with Disabilities Act of <br />1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title VI as implemented by 45 CFR 80 and 84 which states <br />in part, No qualified person shall on the basis of disability, race, color, or national origin be eacluded from participation <br />in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which received <br />or benefits from federal financial assistance. <br />11. INDEMNIFICATION INSLTRANCE AND BONDING <br />a. The CONTRACTOR shall agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTI', its officers, agents, and <br />employees from damages arising out of the tortious acts of the CONTRACTOR, its officers, agents, and <br />employees acting within the scope of their employment and duties in performance of this agreement subject to <br />the limitations and conditions of the Oregon Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 through 30.300, and the Oregon <br />Constitution, Article XI, Section 7. <br />The CONTRACTOR shall maintain at all times commercial general liability insurance, property damage <br />insurance, and medicallprofessional malpractice if applicable, covering its activities and operations under this <br />Agreement. The CONTRACTOR SHALL add Marion County, its officers/officials, agents, employees, and <br />volunteers as additional insureds for general liability and property damage insurance coverage and an <br />Endorsement shall be issued by the company showing Marion County as an Additional Insured and containing <br />a 30-day Notice of Cancellation endorsemen~ Such iasurance shall be in the forms and amounts not less than <br />set forth in ORS 30.270: $100,000 for property damage and $200,000 per person for bodily injury and no less <br />than $500,000 for any number of claims arising out of a single accident or occurrence. Minimum limits required <br />for medicaUprofessional malpractice $1,000,000. All insurance shall be evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance <br />and Endorsement provided to the COUNTY, indicating coverages, limits and effective dates, by an insurance <br />company ticensed to do business in the State of Oregon. <br />b. The COiJNTY, pursuant to applicable provisions of ORS 30.260 to 30.300, maintains a self-insurance program <br />which provides property damage and personal injury coverage. <br />c. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain at all times during the term of this contract, workers' <br />compensation insurance with statutory limits and employers' liability insurance. The CONTRACTOR shall <br />provide the COiJNTY with evidence that it is a carrier-insured or self-insured employer in full compliance with <br />the requirements of ORS Chapter 656, or that it employs no persons subject to the requirements of ORS 656, <br />Workers' Compensation Coverage. <br />d. The CONTRACTOR and the COiJNTY agree that there is no relationship under this Agreement ezcept as <br />specified herein. The COiTNTY ezercises no control over, is not responsible for the act of, assumes no specific <br />responsibilities to or for officers, employees or agents of the contractor, or the public in general, ezcept as <br />specified in this Agreement. <br />12. EXTENSION <br />Upon written agreement between the CONTRACTOR and the COiJNTY, this contract may be eatended, subject to the <br />following conditions: <br />a. Eatension will be limited to ninety (90) days beyond the contract period. <br />b. Eztension is subject to the limits of available funding. <br />13. TERIVIINATION <br />xEV 7~8 <br />