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From: RANDY CURTIS <br />To: BWasson,MHansen, KRoudybush, DHartwig <br />Date: 12/10/97 9:47am <br />Subject: Pence Kelly Contract <br />PK's contract requires a GMP by December 31, 1997. In order to delivery the GMP the Architect was to deliver <br />D&D d~awings to PK. This of course, has not been done because the owner stopped the final design process. <br />The contract may be terminated at any time by the owners, but payment for expenses incurred, up to $70,000, is <br />required if PK is not awarded a final contract. We currently owe $54,806. <br />At this time, I do not believe PK wants to back out of the contract. I also believe we need to carefully evaluate the <br />services (value engineering 8~ cost estimating) they will provide to us. We also need to make a decision an the <br />GMP (bidding) issue as this will affect our continued arrangement with PK. <br />Billy, this is an issue that needs review by our internal staff team and the oversite committee <br />CC: I:WyckoffRG@Cherriots.ORG <br />