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From: DAVID HARTWIG <br />To: BWasson <br />Date: 12/10/97 5:12pm <br />Subject: Senator Sewer Llne <br />I walked the site this moming with FOSS and Century West staff and reviewed the area where the sewage spillage <br />occurred. In talking with them, I determined that the issue is not another sewer line, but sewer stubs which run into <br />the main. <br />Normally, stubs are capped during demolition. Stayton Construction was to cap the stub lines to prevent spillage. <br />They did not do this because at the time it was believed that construction excavation would begin soon after <br />demolition and that the sewer main alflng the alley would have to be abandoned/replaced. I was not aware of this <br />decision and do not remember that the issue was ever discussed with me or the representative from Century West. <br />I talked to Tim Daley with the city this aftemoon. He says that he discussed this issue with Stayton Const. at the <br />beginning of demolition. Mike Stayton told Tim that further excavation would occur after demolition and that it <br />would not be necessary to cap the stubs. Tim seems to remember that he told Mike that it would have to be done. <br />Stayton Const. completed the demo work and left town before Tim got back to the site. <br />Tim is concemed that future spillage will occur and he will have a problem with DEQ. I am sure we would have a <br />problem as well. He is sending me maps which he believes will help us locate the known stub lines and copies of <br />the five permits Stayton Const. took out related to these stub lines. <br />I will seek to get a general idea of the location of the lines with the help of FOSS and Century West. I intend to <br />contact Stayton Const. and have them come up and cap the stub lines that we have knowledge of their location. <br />When I talked with Mike Stayton he indicated that they would do this work as part of their original agreement. <br />ALSO, during the morning's walk, I discussed the contour work that needs to be done. It appears that in two cases <br />the hole will basically be covered up if slopping is done to standard. On the Chevron comer, the slopping will <br />deposit soil as well. This is a potential problem regarding excavation and compaction work for construction. <br />There may be a need to pump water out of two of the holes to do this work. The water will be treated as is <br />currently being done prior to release into the storm drains. To give you an idea as to how much water, there is @ <br />40,000 gals. in the Chevron comer. <br />Century West has plots of each excavation site and the depth. These could be used by Pence/Kely as a guide for <br />the preparation for construction. It would appear that Pence/Kelly will have to carefully determine the soil <br />composition of the whole area as they excavate any way, so this would not appear to be a big issue. I have asked <br />Tom Gainer, Century West, to talk to Dave Hayes at Pence/Kelly for input. <br />I will keep you informed as to the issues above. If you want more information, or if you have additional knowledge <br />of these issues, please let me know. The beat gces on ............... <br />I will keep you informed. <br />CC: MHansen, RCurtis <br />