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~- <br />-=~~~~~~~ <br />CITY OF <br />AT YOUR SERVICE ~~C a- 1~yI <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT '.!?~ON COUNTY CORRECTION;, <br />~~,n~,~. /`GRI'f~R <br />555 Uberty St. SE / Room 305 • Salem, OR 97301 •(503) 588-6173 •(503) TTY 588-6353 •(503) Fax 588-6005 <br />9] <br />December 5, 1997 <br />/3 _ <br />~. cUrt~s <br />epartment of General Services <br />100 High Street NE, Room 5321 <br />Salem, Oregon 97301 <br />COURTHOUSE SQUARE PROJECT <br />Dear Randy: <br />0~- <br />~ ~~ <br />,~ _ <br />~•~, <br />'J <br />~~~ <br />This letter may answer several of the zoning, parking, and urban renewal funding questions <br />raised at last Monday's work session with the City Council. <br />1. Parking Requirements: The Courthouse Square project is located in the Central Business <br />(CB) zone and within the City's Downtown Parking Disirict. Properties located within the <br />Parking District do not have to provide on-site parking spaces which would otherwise be <br />required by the zoning. However, provision for off-street loading is required (SRC 130.030). <br />In lieu of providing on-site parking, individual businesses located within the District pay an <br />annual parking tax into the Downtown Pazking Fund. The amount of the tax is based upon the <br />number of equivalent spaces required (determined by the size of business in square feet times the <br />demand factor based upon the type of business) times the parking rate per parking space. The <br />rate is adjusted annually, and is currently set at $78.00 per year. Since one government is <br />precluded from taxing another, public land uses within the District aze exempted from the City <br />tax. Private businesses, however, including leaseholds, are liable for payment. <br />City zoning allows for the Planning Commission's approval of an"altemative modes" plan in <br />lieu of providing otherwise required on-site non-residential pazking. Since no on-site pazking is <br />required for the Courthouse Square project, any "alternative modes" you might consider to <br />reduce parking demand would be strictly voluntary. <br />2. Traffic Management Plan: A question was also raised with regard to the preparation of a <br />tr~c demand management plan. The City requires the prepazation of a Traffic Impact Analysis <br />(TIA) when project type and size would generate peak hour traffic in excess of 100 trips <br />