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Report, "City Position on Courthouse Square" <br />Committee. You will note the staff conclusion: "Based on staff s analysis of the three proposals, <br />staff believes that the Senator site is the best location for development of the Salem Transit <br />District Downtown Transit Mall" <br />On November 7, 1995, a joint public meeting of the `Salem City Council, Marion County Board of <br />Commissioners, and the Salem Area Transit Board was held to discuss the concept of a joint <br />development of the Senator Block by the County and Transit, named Courthouse Square. On <br />December 11, 1995, following a request by the Transit Board for the City's response to the proposal for <br />Courthouse Square, the City staff prepared a repo~t for the Council (Attachment "G") which <br />"...recommended that Council endorse development of the Senator Block using the <br />Courthouse Square concept." The City Counci! adopted the staff recommendation and, on the same <br />date, wrote a letter to Luis Caraballo, President of the Transit Board (Attachment °H"). Three key points <br />were made which bear on this issue: <br />1. "Council endorses the selection of the Senator Block as the preferred site for locating a <br />downtown transit center." <br />2. "Council endorses the proposed Courthouse Square concept for the development of the <br />Senator Block." <br />3. "Council hereby grants the requested (3 year) extension" on relocating the existing High <br />Street Transit Facility. <br />The letter condudes, "On behaff of the Council, I congratulate the District on its selection of a <br />site and development concept. We look forward to working with you tawards its successful <br />completion." It is signed by R~ger Gertenrich. Mayor. <br />Attachment "I°, a letter from City Manager Larry Wacker to Randy Franke and Luis Caraballo, dated <br />November 27, 1996, informed the County and Transit that the City Council had acted "To approve <br />reaffirmation of City's support (fo~ Courthouse Square) subject to the following three <br />conditions..." Condition 1 will be provided when the Courthouse Square design is finalized; Condition <br />2 was resolved by Measure 50; and, Condition 3 has been completed. <br />Attachment "J" is a staff report to the City Council, dated April 28, 1997 recommending approval of <br />"...the City-initiated vacation for the alley in Block 5, Salem..." to accommodate the development <br />of Courthouse Square. The alley vacation was approved by both the Planning Commission, April 8, <br />1997, and the City Council, April 28,1997. <br />Attachment "IC' is a letter dated July 11, 1997, from William Healy, Director of Community Development <br />for the City, to R.G. Andersen-Wyckoff, General Manager of the Transit District. In it, Mr. Healy states, <br />"The City's support of transit is exemplified by City Council's expressed desire to pa~ticipate <br />financially in development of the new transit facility currently under construction in downtown <br />Salem. <br />Lastly, Attachment °L" is taken from the City of Salem's FY1998-99 through 2002-03 Five Year <br />Forecast released December 8, 1998. As it indicates in paragraph 2, "For FY 1998-99, there are two <br />major projects that need funding in the Riverfront/Downtown area. First, the City Council has <br />committed, through the Property Tax Management Plan, to set aside $800,000 for projects <br />related to Courthouse Square. ($400,000 was set aside in 1997-98; 5800,000 was agreed to be <br />set aside in both FY 1998-99 and 1999-2000)." ~ <br />• Page 3 <br />