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CS_Courthouse Square
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Note Book: Miscellaneous
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
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CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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Report, "City Position on Courthouse Square" <br />"...considered over forty potential sites for the transit center" and had conGuded that the Senator <br />Block was one of two locations recommended. Because of the Senator Biock's designation on the <br />City's Comprehensive Plan the District Board selected it as its primary site and commissioned <br />the subject study to investigate its joint development potential. In addition to the professional study <br />team, an Advisory Committee of thirteen, representint Transit, Marion County, City of Salem, the <br />Downtown Development Board, the Downtown Parking Board, the YMCA, the Salem Downtown <br />Association, CANDO, and CATCI, met regularly witli the consultant team to review the issues and their <br />conclusions. To paraphrase the conclusion reached by the study; they found significant <br />benefits to Transit, Marion County, the City of Salem, Downtown Businesses, a Private <br />Developer, and The Community from a joint Marion CountylTransit development of this site and <br />recommended to the Transit District that it proceed with the joint development opportunity. <br />(Interestingly enough, another broadly based community Site Selection Committee reached a similar <br />conclusion in August 1995.) <br />There was strong community support for relocating the transit facility to an off-street site following the <br />Site Selection Committee's deliberations. On August 28, 1995 the Statesman Joumal published an <br />editorial (Attachment "D"~vhich said, in part, "...The way we're going now, there's no solution. <br />Every suggestion is shot down. Every location has its fans and even more detractors...ff they <br />(the city council, downtown business groups, and Marion County) are happy with the ad-hoc <br />transfer set-up on High Street, then tell the Salem Area Transit Board to quit wonying about a <br />transit building. But we don't believe that they are happy. If that's made clear, then at least the <br />transit board will know - again - that it must flnd a new home and that the community is behind <br />its efforts...~"~e've set ug unrealistic obstacles to everv g~~~l...ff everyone agrees that we <br />need a safe place to park buses and to load and unload passengers, make that the flrst priority. <br />Then tackle the next priority: recovering from the effects of the first. ff the Senate (sic) Hotel <br />and its low-income housing are lost to a transit station, make that an opportunity, not an <br />obstacle...This is not ju~ a~y bus station we're talking about• it's a maior downtown <br />imarovement Make the most of it The transit board now has three sites to consider. the <br />Senator Hotel block, the block where Washington Mutual Bank is located, and the block that <br />includes Greyhound bus station. All have good qualities that would strengthen our bus em <br />and give us the o~1~l~y to make other significant imnrovements at the same time. If we are <br />serious about a transit station let's do it Otherwise we will fuss around with it for another 15 <br />years•„ <br />The partnership between the County and Transit to implement Courthouse Square on the Senator <br />Block was consummated at the end of 1995. <br />The temporary period granted by the City expired in 1990 and, on several occas'ions, staff from the City <br />and Transit discussed the necess'~r of relocating the facilit~r to an off-street location. No formal action <br />was taken by the City until May 11, 1993, when the City Council unanimously directed that the <br />Temporary Transit Facility be removed from High Street by May 3, 1995. Attachment "E" is the <br />letter from foRner Mayor R.G. Andersen-Wyckoff to Jim Cla~lc, Chairman of the Transit District Board, <br />notifjring the District of the Council's action. The City Council extended that deadline in 1995 to <br />allow completion of Courthouse Square. <br />CITY POSITION ON COURTHOUSE SQUARE <br />Communications with, and actions by, the City have played a key role in proceeding with the <br />Courthouse Square concept. On November 6, 1995, the City Staff provided the Cily Council with an <br />inforrnational report, Attachment "F', which reviewed the three primary proposed sites for the new off- <br />street Transit Center which had been recommended by the Site Selection Committee and its Technical <br />• Page 2 <br />
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