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CS_Courthouse Square
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Note Book: Miscellaneous
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
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CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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mo <br />e <br />To: Courthouse Square Special Oversight Committee, :Hon. Edwin Peterson, Chair <br />From: ohn Whittington, Project Co-coordinator <br />Date: lanuary 12, 1998 <br />Re: City of Salem Position re: Courthouse Square <br />At your last meeting, members of the committee posed several questions to be addressed by staff. The <br />purpose of this memorandum is to respond to the question, "Does the City of Salem Have A Position <br />on Courthouse Square?" 1 cannot speak for the City of Salem, but I can present to you the <br />information and understandings exchanged between the City of Salem and Marion County/Salem Area <br />Transit. Within the context of the overall question of the City's position there are two issues which I will <br />address: <br />1. The understandings between the City of Salem and Salem Area Transit with respect to the <br />relocation of Cherriot Station from High Street; and, <br />2. The understandings between the City of Salem, Marion County, and Salem Area Transit <br />with respect to the development of Courthouse Square. <br />CHERRIOT STATION RELOCATION <br />Attachment "A" is a memorandum dated September 23, 1982, from Gordon Aoyagi, former General <br />Manager of the Transit District, to TransiYs Board of Directors, outlining the key points negotiated <br />between the City of Salem and Salem Area Transit for the location of the DistricYs Transfer Station on <br />High Street. You will note that the City staff and the Downtown Development Board had reviewed the <br />proposal and were recommending its approval to the City Council including the City providing $141,000 <br />toward construction of the facility and "...the location be considered temporary for a period of 5-8 <br />years." Attachment "B" is a page from the minutes of the October 5, 1982 Transit Board of Directors <br />meeting referencing Mr. Aoyagi's report that "City Council has accepted the High Street Transfer <br />Point." The actual City staff report, Council minutes, and the Agreement beiween the two bodies are <br />also available but I felt that the two enclosed pieces reflected the point at issue: the City of Salem <br />entered into an agreement with Salem Area Transit to allow the High Street Transfer Point on the <br />stipulation that it be a temporary facility for a period of 5-8 years. <br />In 1985, the District commissioned a study by several regional firms, including Moore Breithaupt & <br />Associates, of Salem, to investigate the potential for a joint development project on the Senator Block. <br />The entire summary report from this study is lengthy, so I have provided as Attachment "C° just the first <br />page of the report, though the complete report can be made available should the committee wish to see <br />it. You will note, in the second paragraph of the introduction to the study, that the City had previously <br />• Page 1 <br />
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