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CS_Courthouse Square
Northblock- RFI/RFQ
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Last modified
9/19/2012 4:30:29 PM
Creation date
8/16/2011 3:51:10 PM
Northblock- RFI/RFQ
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project Coordination
Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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MAXIMALLY PRODUCTIVE USE <br />The purpose of this report is two fold: (1) to estimate the maximally productive use of the <br />subject site; and (2) estimate the potential annual cash flow that could be realized from a <br />ground lease. This section deals with estimating the subject's ma~umally productive use, and <br />utilizes the residual technique. <br />This residual technique will first estimate the value of the anticipated development using the <br />Income Capitalization Approach. The Income Capitalization Approach is based on the <br />premise that multiple family and commercial properties are income producing, and that <br />investoR purchase these properties based on their income producing ability. In the Income <br />Capitalization Approach, market rents for the subject property are estimated, the <br />applicable operating expenses are deducted, and the resulting net income is capitalized <br />into a value estimate. This approach is based on analysis of information extracted from the <br />market, and provides a comporison of the subject to other properties of similar character <br />and income producing ability. <br />Secondly, the cost of the anticipated improvements on the site including profit and <br />overhead and absorption are analyzed. This cost estimate will exclude the value of the land <br />and costs of developing the parking structure, building pad, and other improvements. The <br />estimated costs discussed dbove will be subtracted from the estimated Income <br />Capitalization Approach value, resulting in an implied value of the subject site and parking <br />improvement. <br />As noted above, the residual analysis subtracts total development costs from an estimated <br />Income Capitalization Approach value for each of the development scenarios with the <br />exception of Scenario Six. This process results in the underlying value of the land. Several <br />comparable buildings and projects were surveyed to determine appropriate apartment <br />rents and lease rates for office, ground-floor retail, and office/retail space proposed in the <br />various development scenarios. The rents used in this analysis were derived from a review <br />of the comparables and the assumptions for each scenario. <br />Operating expenses were based on series of assumptions that appear in the "Assumptions" <br />charts the corresponds to each scenario as seen below. Total operating expenses are <br />deducted from the total effective gross income reported in the Income Approach table to <br />derive a net operating income. The net-operating income of each development scenario <br />is then capitalized into a value estimate assuming an overall capitalization rate. The <br />capitalization rates used in the analysis were based on information extracted from the <br />market. <br />~th respect to development costs, a survey of similar projects was completed as well as use <br />of the Marshall Valuation Senrices, a national costing service. The costs used in this analysis <br />were based on a review of the cost comparables and the development program outlined <br />for each scenario. The development costs were then adjusted for developer's profit and <br />overhead and absorption costsb. <br />The following pages include assumptions, an income valuation chart, and project cost chart <br />for each scenario. Narrative continues on page 39. <br />P99289 PALMER, GRO~ 8~ Pi~xo~, INC. 23 <br />
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