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~~~i~~ <br />9. A completed Form A, Developer s Confidential Statement of Financial Capability. Form A <br />is contained in the Appendix of this RFP. <br />(NOTE: As with item No. 4 above, confidential information may be separated for <br />confidential handling, if specified "confidential " and delivered at the same time as the rest <br />of the submittal to Marion County, Attention: - <br />Interested development teams shall submit ten copies of their proposal to Marion County, <br />along with a completed and signed Form A(in the Appendix of this RFP), with a good faith <br />deposit of $S,Q00 in the form of a certified check or a letxer of credit payable to or in favor <br />of Marion County. Marion County and the Salem Transit District reserve the right to <br />request additional information review of the initial submissions. In addition, Marion <br />County and the Sa(em Transit District may retain consultants to assist in the review of any <br />aspects of the proposals. For project sponsors not selected, the $5,000 will be returned <br />immediately after the selection decision is made. <br />C. Selection Criteria <br />Marion County and the Salem Transit District will select the development team that most <br />successfuily meets the criteria listed below. In its selection, Marion County and the Salem <br />Transit Distric# will place primary emphasis on the experience, qualifications, and financial <br />capacity of the team; and fmancial capacity of the team, and the altractiveness of the Business <br />Offer and ability to meet the development schedule. The selecrion criteria are: <br />1. Proven ability of the team members to successfully develop high quality, mixed-use <br />developments in an urban setting. <br />2. Ability to secure consfruction and permanent financing for the project~ <br />3. The degree of responsiveness to the Development Program and other goals and objectives <br />stated in this Request fer Proposals. <br />4. Ability to provide necessary project equity. <br />Proven ability of development team to complete projects on schedule and a proposal for <br />meeting the proposed schedule. <br />6. The attractiveness of the Business Offer. <br />D. Terms of Ne~otiation and Disposition <br />Initially, Marion County and the Salem Transit District will enter into a Memorandum of <br />Understanding (MOU) with the selected developer, summarizing the agreed-upon business plan <br />and other terms and conditions of the project. Subject to the successful agreement and execution <br />of the MOU, Marion County and the Salem Transit District and the developer will enter into a <br />Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). <br />The specifics of the Disposition and Development Agreement will depend on the development <br />proposal, the obligations of Marion County/Salem Transit District, the team, and othcr factors. <br />However, at a minimum the Agreement will incorporate the following issues: <br />