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From: RANDY CURTIS <br />To: BWasson,MHansen <br />~ Date: 6/19/98 2:54pm <br />Subject: North Pad Opportunities <br />I recently expressed some thoughts to RG regarding the revenue and benefits derived from the north pad <br />development. I have unofficially allocated 60 parking spaces for use by tenants of the north pad. These 60 are part <br />of the 218 the counry will build and pay for. <br />Currently, the cost of this investment is estimated at $960,000 (60 x$16,000/ea). It has not been decided whether <br />we give, sell or lease these spaces but, the decision has much to do with the success of the private development. <br />In any case, the counry's contribution to the north pad development has the potential to be far greater than 58% of <br />the land. <br />As we finalize the intergovernmental agreement and RFP we need to take this factor into consideration. I see the <br />need for some policy discussion. <br />