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r~ .19 • 99 el s A3PM SMITH FiARNEY <br />• 3. maintain the Aa~ pledged as do~cribcd in Exhibit A~ct~achod lu~to, <br />or the p~'oaed8 fzora tho sala of such Asset9, togeth~er witb aay incam~ <br />derivcd t~erefroa~, ~cc~t t~ Plcdge~ and Pledgar aolmowledge and <br />~ agree tlaat salornou smith Bam,~Y sball aot be htld responeiblo for ~y <br />mar]ouct d~eclin~e i~ ~~ ia the markst velv~e of ~ et~lor to t~tlce <br />Pledgot of aay au+~ d~ ~~c ~~ <br />. az~y acticn wit~ ragard tA such Asseta acccpt upo~ BP <br />directions stat~d h~rein, <br />4. provide to Pledgee~ with n duplicate copy to Pledgor, a moathly <br />'stszcmmt of Aasets and a coufu~msdon statctn~at of ea,ch trsusactian <br />effiecud in tbe Acca~uot aftcr su~h transactioz~ is effec~od. <br />'I~e PlodBcr ~nnd Plddges conseat ~d agree tl~at tha cnly instruatlons that sbsll bc given to Salomcn <br />Senith B~rnay in rag~rd to oc in cvnn~octian wlth tha Account sha11 bc ~i~n by an Aut~wrized 0#lcer of <br />r or ~ale tra~sactlona ia tlu <br />Plcdgee~ excepE tba the Pledgor ~sy g~vo iaatructions to oaccr iato purchase ale <br />Account. Plodgar s~wU nAt 1~~ Salomon Smlth BuaeY~deliver cash dand/or~secuii~cs or ~ <br />by !aw or by Court Ocder, Salomon $mitit $a~oY s~sall n <br />~a tbc aafe of, or diatributi~s on~ ~uch aecuride` out af the Acoount to the Pl~dgor or to at~y o~hcr <br />pereon oc eatity. Upoa wrltun no~ce by efl Aathor~ed Officer of Pled~ve, Satomcm Smith Bar~ey <br />~hsll complv with the eautlement orders ~ad ~ t Salomo~n Smi B uarn~y ~hall b~avo ~ duty or <br />• s~- otb+er F~son ('rt being undersoood ~ac- a~ed tha <br />y,~y~ ag pty ~d or ahataas+ar to h~+a laiawled~e of thc totms cf tho 3~auitY <br />obligstion ~d Plodgee heraby <br />~ or w detisrmine whetb~er oz.not sn weat of dafault exists). Pkd~or <br />a~ to t~emai~+ and hcld ba~ala~ S~n Smith. Bamay~ its affiti~,~ ~~ ~~ Pd~sg~s, <br />from snd ey;siaat s4Y aad atl ctaima, ~a of act~on, tisbilitiea, l~, <br />. 1~ludin~, withoiit limit~tioa, ~sry and all wurt costa sad reasocmble ~omey'a f~, that m4y ma~lt bY <br />' with auah ~~ of Pledgae. Ia the c~vont that <br />r~o~. of Salomoa Sm~th Ba~ey eomply~ng <br />Satomon 'Stti~ ~~Y ~~d a~ booome~ invoived ~n liti~tion u a result of camplymg wi~- ths <br />above ~d wrttt~ ins~cdoas, P1~~ ~~~° ~e tlut Sale~aoa &nfth Ba~Y ~ be <br />entitled to c.~u8a: ~ll the eoscs urd Se~s. it incsus ~n connoetios~ ~ su~ah lit~tion ta tho A~scu tn the <br />Aocoua~t end to witbdraw such aums as tho ooata and chargoa acc:ue. • . <br />'Irtsa Autho~i~ed 4ff~r of, Pl~ wbo ths11 give oc~l instn+cnons ha~er ahall conflr~ ths ~ae <br />. ~ wridng tc salomc~ smith Bssne~- ~ svc (s) daya a,R~ suah ozal tasb~cdons ~ s~"r~a ~li no ~ <br />t t~omalos in e$~ot, P~edS00 ~' b~ ~~ ~o t~oceive d 1'icts,os of at~y <br />. aa •this agrccsnoa <br />aad tta~taonta af aecou~ chat c~s P1ed@or of such A~couat is aitltled tp r~eoe~va. .. <br />of this Agrce~~ th~ t~arm "Aut~riz~d ~Officer o~ Pladgo~'' absll r~~F~r in the <br />For thc p~oao . presideat of the ~ Pkdgox) nud "~': ~+ocix~ed <br />singular to ~'r t$r~c~ (w~O ~, ~ ~e date lureof, ~~ ~ ~ $ic <br />Offioer cP Pledgea" ahall re~r in ~~~r ~0 ~To tin 11~" I-~~ r~~,M. <br />~,,,~~ , rof t~a Pledgee). ~If t~Pledgor oa' ~'ledgca is e, n~'~ <br />dSbO ~tCOf~'~aS~ne ,s S~'Q~ ~~eS - ~ • lf Di0'te t~itiil ci1'13 I1~~~ .: <br />porsoa then sueh tam sl~all s~ean tba P r or. P1.edS'se res ~~`rc~' ~~ the avcsu t~~at ~er <br />pcteon is ttue Pledg,or or Pledg~e, su~h n~r~1 ~P~O~ ~' ~~. <br />shall find it ~dvlssble to desi~atc a rapla~cem~t o~ ~m,Y of its Autbar~d <br />• pledgor or Pledgee ~ be~vea to Salo~n Smith B~ey. ~ . <br />Officers. writtaa ~+otice of auy su~h r~ <br />: <br />E' d • JN I J13N2ltiH Hl I WS WdSO :~.0 66 . 6 T 2~LJ <br />