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~ i9 • ~ el ~ aa~ sMZTM ~~r <br />~ with ect to tb~e obligation, ~d dutios a~ ect forth heresa, this ~ment sball nat <br />~~ ~ oz dudes u n Salomoa Sttuth BameY ~zeat~x t~aa os iu addition <br />impoae or croau say obli~ationa Po <br />to t~a customnry and usual cbligati,on~ aad dutie9 of $atomon Smith Bs~cy tio pledgor. <br />This Agroema~t shall be bindit~ upo~ ~ iaure tfl th~c bcae~fit of tha he'sts,.succ~ssots end assiSn~ <br />of the respeativa parties h~eto sad shall~be coaauu~cd.{a accordatue with tho laws of tlu State of <br />Naw Xork witbaut regssd to ita wnflict of law pzia~ciplas a~d t4~e rights aad naudies of the pa~ies <br />~all bo de: :tmuud in e~acoz'daaco with auch <br />S~lomoa Scnith Bamey will treat all praper~y ~t a~+ ~ held by Salom~oa Smith Barnay in thc <br />Acoount as Sneacial Assets. 3alaa~on Smith ~ ~ to Ardclcs 8~a~ad~ Uni~orm <br />writto~n a~atific~tion to Salomon Smith Bamay~ P ~1s fcderal re~ulations fc~ tbe Federat <br />~~o,m~esr~l~Code af t~e State o~New Yark 8ad u~y +~PP <br />~ervQ BQOk En~y SYstem, of the Pled~eo'~ socurity t~ast in th~e Assets. 'ibe Plodgoa~, Plodgoe <br />and Sslomon S~ Barn~Y alao ara eateriag iato thie Agteemeat tio Peovid~ for tba~Plsd,gea': <br />oo~l of thra Aasets s~d ta Petfo~t, e~d ~ a~a f~rt ~~l~y n~~~ ~~~'s <br />~urity iatere:t !a th~ A~s~ta. Salom~ou ~Y ~ <br />msi~nt~da all necesaaty eatrl~e or ~otatioas iti ~ts books ~nd rocords to ratlect tl~ Pladgee's a~~ItY <br />~nter~c ~n t~a Asscts. ~ <br />if say t~ or provision of thia A~reement is c~a~ to be itroalid or ~~abl~, tbe <br />+ r~asinder of t'h~ Ag~c~eonunt ahall bo coast~ud in all respwt~ ~s if t1~ invalid or v~s~ea~ot~ble <br />tesm or p~rcvis~ w~s.e omittsd. Thi~ A~em~nt ~Y ~ be alt~ed or smeAdod 1a sr-Y m~ <br />without tho aaquea~ wz~tteo co~aent of Pladgor, l~°Q ~ 8 ~~ coiu ~' o~na <br />p~~nt a~ be ~x~ccubod 'sa a~- n~bar ~~ ~F~• <br />ori~gia~l e~re~~. . ~ . <br />'rhis A~~ma~t maY bs ~e~mi~a~d bY Sslomoa Ssait~ B~Y ~ 30 ~ written ~odoe to <br />Pled~a' aa,d P1~d~x• UPon ~xp~ of auoh 30 ~Y ~ ia~ ~cwr~emco with $u t,~ms~of ~is <br />v~d~r ao furthsr obliga~don ~ce~t to l~otd the pl~d~ed A~B <br />Agreemont, peo~diing receipt of wrltt~n ins~tictions ~om Plodgor emd 1'kdga~ Jo~Y ~~ t~''° <br />f~rthe~ dispositioa of ti~ pled~d Ass~s• <br />The Plai~or msd Plcdgec aclmowlodg~ tbat this A~nce~nt aupplesnents th~e' Ple~o~'~ ~ <br />~t p~~s) witb Salo~son 3mith Bsrncy sa~ ~x~ ~~~Y P~~ ~'~' ia ua <br />way is thia A~tt~ ~~~ ~~~ ~Y ~~ Salomoa Smiti~ Bara~y mi6r-t ~t~urwis° <br />bave. ._ <br />~ <br />b' d ~N I A3f~2lHS Hl I WS Wd90 : E0 66 . 6 T 2idlJ <br />