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09/29/1999 15:21 5033915356 MARION CO HISTORICAL PAGE 02 ~ <br />Seiection Crtterie: <br />items will be a collecdon of curnent and past irems that are expecred to survive in <br />condidon in the comtai~er ~oc 100 yeaxs. Col~ectively, wil~ inclade ioems: <br />-- Marion County government history. <br />-- Marion Caunty transpoc~t~tion history, including public transit in tk~e Salem area. <br />-- The immediat,c ncighborhood of Courthouse Square and its history. <br />-- I..ife in Salem in 2000. <br />-- Construction of the building ,,,,;,~~a~„ <br />z <br />