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Director Towslee thanked Ms. Clark and said it is a wondertul report and <br />- == <br />she appreciates her time investment. She said she was interested in tFie <br />~ print-outs and charts with the demographics, and had been told that they <br />would be presented in a report later. <br />Director Kelley said the COG has very strong transportation planning and <br />much data is resident in their transportafwn models. <br />Mr. Whittingtoi i said the State is going in new directions on rural and elderly <br />and disabled planning. The DistricYs Committee is keeping step with the <br />State's emerging direction and are perhaps even out ahead of them a little. <br />They are doing a very good job in staying so cuRent with what is going on <br />in the urban areas. The Committee has done an excellent job, and he <br />commended Doug Pilant, the DistricYs Senior Planner who is working with <br />them. He is doing a really great job working with the Committee. <br />~ Director Newton said it looks as though the Committee ha:: idenfified the <br />population in need in West Sal~m, and perhaps it will be one of the first in <br />which to run a trial balloon. If statistics and testimony are confirmed it might <br />be a prudent thing to do. <br />Director Campbell asked what has caused the concentration of some of the <br />need populations in places like the Canyon region. <br />Ms. Clark said more work needs to be done on that since the distribution <br />maps were just received. However, her guess would be that those <br />concentrations of seniors already lived in those areas and grew old there, <br />President Caraballo said he felt that what is seen in the profiles is the reality <br />of the not too distant futur~the babyboomer tidal wave-and it is upon us. <br />Director Kelley said to some extent, the loss of some of the jobs in some <br />areas would cause a higher age range. People leave some of the smaller <br />towns in the Canyon region due of lack of employment. <br />Ms. Clark said the STF Advisory Committee is very excited about the <br />process and are really hoping that something good comes out of it. They <br />have appreciated the Board's support, and could not have done this worlc <br />without it. <br />Elderly and Disabled Bob Woodworker, Chair of the E/DCAC, thanked the Board o~ behalf of the <br />Consumer Advisory Committee for the fare free Saturclays during December. However, the <br />Committee (ED-CAC) Committee would like to request an additional free Saturday after <br />Christmas on December 27. This would give the senior and disabled riders <br />as well as the riders at large a little less stressful day when they make their <br />Christmas retums. This request involves a fare loss of $1,700 for that day. <br />Mr. Whittington said all of the DistricYs marketing materials are assembled <br />and will be going out so it would not be possible to include December 27 in <br />the marketing materials ~at are going out right now. However, an <br />announcement of the additional free Saturday could be made through take- <br />ones or a press release if the Board decides to do that. <br />Director Newton said earlier the Board had other recommendations for <br />extended free service in the evenings. He has also ~eceived suggestions <br />that the entire months of December and January be fare free because of <br />the dark and rainy weather. When this issue was discussed a few months <br />ago the financial impacts were discussed, but these are new proposals. <br />Mr. Whittington said the new financial impacts have not been discussed. <br />The previous discussions did not lead to any additionat research for other <br />Minutes of the Boa~d of Directors Meeting <br />Salem Area Mass Transit District <br />November 20, 1997 - Page 9 <br />