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free services. <br />DELIBERATION OF <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />BOARD MEMBERISSUES <br />President Carabailo noted that last year the free night service during <br />December was a free introductory service which was extended through <br />January. <br />Mr. Whittington said that cost the District about $4,900 per month in lost <br />cash fare revenue. There is atsc an equity issue for bus pass riders who <br />have already paid full fare for December passes. <br />Director Swenson said from earlier testimony regarding an additional free <br />Saturday, his feeling is that it is a good idea. Perhaps it could be given as <br />an anniversary celebration. However, because it cannot be included in the <br />marketing materials just being released he would question whether there is <br />enough word of mouth to get the information out. <br />Director Kelley said if there is a concem about the equity issue, pass riders <br />are getting a free pass cover. <br />Mr. Whittington said that is true, but was intended to compensate for the <br />free Saturdays given to cash fare riders. <br />Director Towslee said she would be supportive of an additional free <br />Saturday because of last month's Board decision to not do a food drive on <br />the buses during the holidays. It has a sense of faimess for everyone. <br />Director Newton moved to make December 27 a free fare day. Director <br />Towslee seconded. <br />The Motion passed as follows: <br />AYES: Campbell, Caraballo, Kelley, Newton, Swenson, Towslee, <br />Wieprecht (7) <br />NAYS None (0) <br />ABSTENTIONS: None (0) <br />ABSENT: None (0) <br />AYES: Campbell, Caraballo, Kelley, Newton, Swenson, Towslee, <br />Wieprecht (7) <br />NAYS None (0) <br />ABSTENTIONS: None (0) <br />ABSENT: None (0) <br />At 7:40 p.m. the Board recessed briefly and reconvened at 7:50 p.m. <br />President Caraballo said as a result of the activities of the past weekend, <br />through the week, and the Public Forum on Cou~thouse Square there is a <br />lot on peoples' minds and a lot of issues that need to be addressed. <br />His reaction to the expose provided by the Sfatesman Joumal has been <br />mixed. While he respects the role that the media must play in a <br />commur~ity and the balance it needs to bring in terms of being somewhat <br />Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting <br />Salem Area Mass Transit District <br />November 20, 1997 - Page 10 <br />The Motion ~assed as follows: <br />