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of a visible conscience over issues, it aiso needs to be balanced against <br />-- the fact that it should not be done in a reckless manner which does not <br />~, take into account that there are organizations providing a critical, <br />important service in a very professional manne~ fo~ a number of years. <br />Sadly enough, the heartache he had with the expose was the <br />innuendoes regarding this District, and fundamentally a suggestion that it <br />was inept and incapable of doing its job when in fact on a daily basis he, <br />as a member of this community and a user of this service, observe the <br />professionalism and the high caliber of skill that all District employees <br />have from the top through all levels of the operation. That was <br />completely missed and ignored in the writings of these articles. He was <br />disappointed because there has to be a clear understanding that that, <br />while the Board is the policy body and has made the decisions and must <br />be accountable for them, the effect of this goes far beyond just the Board. <br />While the Board can certainly take the responsibilities where it is <br />appropriate, it is also appropriate for the media to put into perspective <br />that these issues dc, oftentimes become hannful in the way that the pub~~c <br />then sees very talented employees and the labor force. That distresses <br />him, and it seemed to have been done with total reckless disregard for <br />the hard-working, quality employees of this District. <br />Also, he cannot ignore commenting on the fact that the decisions that <br />were talked about in the articles, apa~t from the e~roneous statements in <br />many instances where they were applicable to the Ge~eral Manager, <br />were not decisions made by the General Manager. He reminded the <br />Statesman Joumal that the Transit District Board is the policy body. <br />Those matters have come to the Board and have been deliberated by this <br />body many times, and were not decisions the General Manager did on <br />his own. They were brought to the Board, were prudently deliberated in <br />open session, and were undertaken and implemented at the direction of <br />the Board-by both its present and former members. That has been <br />totally lost in the artiGes. He also found it somewhat puzzling that there <br />needed to be an investigative ~eport process for this activity. This District <br />and the County have been absolutely open from the first day when there <br />were discussions on this matter regarding every activity undertaken. <br />Every document has always been a public record, and many of the <br />issues have been in the Board Agendas, which are routinely mailed to the <br />Statesman Joumal. There has never been a need for an investigative <br />~eport. If there had been consistent and on-going reporting and <br />attendance at Transit District Board meetings as opposed to "floating <br />reporters," there would have been continuity and better understanding by <br />the Stafesman Joumal of the transactions undertaken by this District <br />through the length of this process. In fact, there never was a need for an <br />investigative report. This has always been open to the public, and in fact, <br />full of a number of public forums wherein these matte~s have been openly <br />discussed and options shared. <br />He has heard a number of individuals raise issue about why these dollars <br />should not have been used in this fashion. He has to remind individuals <br />that they must remember that those dollars made available to the District <br />for this project were dedicated by federal mandate and can only be used <br />for a specific purpose. When the District was having its financial <br />difficulties before there was a stable tax base, many individuals in the <br />community asked why the dedicated dollars were not being used for <br />operating. It is a great thought, but federal law prohibits it. These dollars <br />were made available to the District for single purposes only and cannot <br />be converted for any other purpose. While to the common person this <br />may sound good, this is not the policy body which has the authority to <br />change that. If one thinks that is bad law and process, they need to <br />address the U.S. Congress about it because those resources are made <br />available through them arrd the federal agencies for express purpos~s- <br />Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting <br />Salem Area Mass Transit District <br />November 20, 1997 - Page 11 <br />