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Transit- Meeting Agenda (12/18/1997)
CS_Courthouse Square
Transit- Meeting Agenda (12/18/1997)
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Transit- Meeting Agenda (12/18/1997)
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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and in fact are being used for that exact purpose. <br />One of the interesting dynamics of the way this whole thing was laid out <br />that disturbed him a little was that he did not think it fai~ly balanced out <br />the partnerships that have been going on in this process. This Transit <br />District has been involved in the issues in this community discussing <br />siting. It is not a new issue, and is a necessary issue. This project is <br />important, necessary, and should have happened many years ago. The <br />District is in the process of making it a reality in the near future. From his <br />personai standpoint, he concurs with a statement he heard at the Public <br />Forum last night that, as the Board has deliberated on the numerous <br />items which have come before them and the tough choices with which <br />they have had to deai, very sound business decisions have been made <br />by the Board and in the direction given to the General Manager and other <br />staff on how to proceed. As an illustrative example only, he wnuld use <br />the whole issue related to the day care facility, which has been a g~eat <br />passion for both he and Director Kelfey-. It has been an issue they have <br />strongly advocated for, and it was with great regret that a very difficult <br />policy decision had to be made that it was not affordable to have day care <br />as a part of the facility. In fact, it would have been poor stewardship of <br />the resources from the property taxes the District receives for operating <br />buses to include day care. The federal funds could not be used for that <br />purpose, and even though in his heart of hearts this is something he <br />certainly would have wanted, and still would hope that a way could be <br />found to make this happen, the Board made the appropriate, prudent <br />decision that that piece had to be withdrawn due to many factors. When <br />the items are put in perspective, the Board has deliberated as a policy <br />body, and has made sound business decisions in a new area in which no <br />one has done this before. The Board has been open, has provided the <br />public plenty of opportunities to participate, and will continue to do that at <br />all tums. When the ultimate product is put forth, it will senrice the <br />community greatly for the next 40-50 years, and the District will be <br />vindicated. <br />Director Wieprecht said he was not involved early on in the project, and <br />does not have a pe~sonal ownership that some of the longer tenured <br />Board members have. He looked at the Statesman Joumal article a little <br />more subjectively. He grew up in the era of Watergate, and investigative <br />repo~ters were heroes and were out there fighting the bad guys. He <br />respects newspapers and what they do-he has a joumalist in his family. <br />He was really disappointed with the tone of the reporting, the use of <br />apples to oranges comparisons, and the half-quotes. It was bad <br />reporting and just bad joumalism. A story could have been reported and <br />it would have been interesting. He does not understand why it was <br />necessary to go to excesses. He was not involved in many pa~ts of the <br />project, and the one part in which he was involved, the discussion <br />regarding the General Manager's bonus, the partial quote in the <br />newspaper was taken totally out of context and did not reflect the <br />discussion by the Board. He was extremely disappointed, and it will be a <br />long time before he will be able to trust anything he reads in the <br />Statesman Joumal. After the Public Forum last night, he was handed the <br />current budget for the Courthouse Squa~e project. He reviewed it in as <br />much detail as he could between 10:00 p.m. last night and his first <br />meeting at 7:00 a.m. today. He had some concems with the ea~lie~ <br />budget with regard to the contingency number. That has been rectified to <br />his satisfaction. The budget numbers he sees show that the project is in <br />really good shape. He is excited about the project and thinks it should go <br />ahead. It is in the right spot, the timing is right, and it is needed. <br />Director Towslee said she does not have a lot of comments about this <br />because she was not on the Board when most of the decisions were <br />Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting <br />Salem Area Mass Transit District <br />November 20, 1997 - Page 12 <br />
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