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individual, the term, "those people" resonates with him because it is a <br />-- term that gets referred to him all to~ often-also, is certairtly not deserved <br />or desired. This is a good community, and a transit center has been and <br />wiil be a vision of success for our community. He strongly encouraged <br />that the District continue to move forward, and make this vision a reality <br />for our community. The only benefit he gets out of it is that his children <br />will have a safe, clean, and wonderFul facility to enjoy for the future in <br />living and participating in ihis community. He completely endorses the <br />staff, Mr. Andersen-Wyckoff, and the actions that this Board has,taken. <br />They have leamed from their missteps, and will be going fonNard and <br />making a prudent and responsible decision in the total best interest of the <br />community. <br />OLD BUSINESS President Caraballo said he had sent a letter to Bob Krebs of the Oregon <br /> Department of Transpo~tation's Rail Section noting that the local community <br />Appointment to was not represented in the composition of this group. There is one <br />Willamette Valley ' individual from the Marion County Commission representing the central <br />Passenger Rail Advisory valley, yet there are five individuals from out of state among the <br />Council membership. While he understands that they represent the corporate <br /> interest, as critical stakeholders the SAMTD certainly should have a place <br /> at the table. In response to his inquiries, ODOT graciously granted the <br /> SAMTD a seat on this advisory council. He then appointed Director <br /> Campbell to be the Board's representative to the Council. <br /> Director Kelley said the COG has a seat on the Cascadia Rail (Vancouver <br /> to Eugene) Committee that has not been filled, and she asked the COG <br /> Board Chair to revisit that representation. She said she was going to <br /> suggest Director Newton for that Committee because he covers both <br /> Keizer and Salem and has an interest in some of those rail issues. <br /> At 8:25 p.m. President Caraballo was summoned from the meeting briefly <br /> and Vice-President Kelley assumed the gavel. <br />Deliberate Changing All Director CamRbell moved that all-references to the term °elderly." when <br />District Uses of the Term used in the conduct of District business. henceforth be changed to the term <br />"Elde~ly"to the Term °senio~' and that staff ~pare the aR~~riate resolution for the Board's <br />"Senior" December meeting. Director Newton seconded. <br /> Director Newton asked M~. Pugh if he had anything to add to the staff <br /> report. <br /> Mr. Pugh said the EIDCAC feels quite strongly about this change in <br /> terminology. There was a very spirited discussion about the pros and cons <br /> of this change, and this is the recommendation the Committee developed. <br /> At 8:26 p.m. President Caraballo retumed to the mee6ng and assumed the <br /> gavel. <br /> President Caraballo said the only concem he would have is that the teRns <br /> "senio~' and "disabled" are used for functions, and will create confusion for <br /> those who woric for the State's Senior and Disabled Services. <br /> 2he Motion ~assed as follows: <br /> P~YES: Campbell, Caraballo, Kelley, Newton, Swenson, Towslee, <br /> Wieprecht (7) <br /> NAYS: None (0) <br /> ABSTENTIONS: None (0) <br /> ABSENT: None (0) <br />Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting <br />Salem Area Mass Transit District <br />November 20, 1997 - Page 16 <br />