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Chubb POWER Federal Insurance Company Attn.: Surety ~epertment <br />~ ~F l 15 <br />t <br />I <br />i <br />~ <br />SU~Gt}/ ATTORNEY aciflc Indemnlry Company <br />P Warte <br />n, <br />NJ <br />07059 <br />Know pJl by 7T~ese precerda, Thal FEpERPl. INSURMICE COMP/WY, an In~rx oarporatlai, V~GR.AHi PISURNJCE COMPANY, a New York <br />corporation, and PAC~IC WDEMNRY COMPANY, a Wiawmin caponNon, do ~ach heroby corrotlluts and eppdrrt James C. Pateidl, <br />Janet L. Rehkop, Melissa D. Evans, Patrick T. Pribyl, Kevin D. Kalish, Diane Angers, <br />Betty I. McCreight, Michael D. Whipps and Shelby L. Reck of Prairie Village, Kansas-- <br />Debra J. Scarborough, Katherine D. Morin and Sharolyn L. Norman of Kansas City, Missouri- <br />each as their W e and IavRul Attomey-in-Fact to execNe uMer such dealpnatlon In Ubir name+ and ro aH& their co~porate aeah to and deliver for and <br />on their behall as wrety thereon a othervAse, bonds and undertaldnga and dhat writlngs abllgatory in the naturo Ihereof (alher than bali bonds) givm <br />w executed In the course of businesa, and any instruments amendlnp or aRerinp fhe same, and conseMS to the modHkatlon or atteraNon of any <br />Inshvment relertad lo In said bands or obllgaNOns. <br />In WHness Whereof, said FED~2AL INSURMICE COMPIWY, VIG6.NJT 7JSlAtAA1C6 COMPAtJ'!, and PAC~IC V~EMrBTY COMP/WY have <br />each executed and attested Ihese presents arW a(Ibced u~elr corporate seals on Oc tober 21 s t ~~~• <br />~!~~ ~~ <br />neM C. andN, Assistar~t Sec clary . ~Fran E. Robertson, ae P ident <br />~ <br />STATE OF NEW JERSEY l <br />coumy d somerse~ J "' <br />on Oc t ob er 21 s t. ~ess, berore ma, a Nafnry Publk d Naw Jersey, perwndN pme Ken^aM C. WnMN, lo me lawvm lo be Pa~hh'R SecrMary <br />ol FEDERPL INSURPNCE COf~ANY. VICILANT INSURPNCE COA~PPNY, and PAqFIC MDEARlT' COAPANY~ IM comPat~in vfikh mcaculed ihe forepoinp <br />Pawr of /Utorray~ and the said Nenrroth C. Wandel beln9 W me duh/ did deP~ and sal' thal M la PaaishM SecroGry o( FEDERPL MSURPNCE <br />COI~PN'(. VIGILANi INSURPNCE COAWANY, and PACIF7C INDETTIffY COAPANY and lowrn Ihe wrponla seals tl~aeol, tlM the seak affl~ed W 1M forepoinp <br />aw.x a anomey o~ .~ ~~s .~ ~,a ~r. n,~o a~ea ny ow,«nr a m. ey-v«. or ..w com~me.; ~a n~ ~.q~a .vd ao~,w or An«~,.r ~ <br />n.wmm se«wry compan~a, M mc. aWn«n~; ana am ns h acqudMea »~u, FnMC e. aobenwn. ana www. nm~ ~o be vks Prwdem or s.ta comw~bs: <br />aM IhW tha alpmN'e W Fr~nk E. Robertsan, aubtcribed to aald Pwxr d AttorraY h in tlro panufna haridvrtitinp d Fnnk E. Ro6ertson, aM vm tlieMo subscribed <br />by aulhoriry of said By-Laws and in deponenYS presence. - <br />No~a1ial5eal i,B C/r~ THEFE:`A ~. CICHOWSKI ~/~~G~2[P- ~~~kf~~\ <br />~-<-~~p Nofary P~~>:;;. Sf~;s a~ Naw !ersay i <br />ic1.-'0.::~~ h'o. OC~1d101 ,~~ - <br />~ r~~_~C .; Commisaion fxplres July 27, 2007 " NomnPud'a <br />A <br />- ~f~'~ CERTIFICATION <br />Extract from the 8yLaws o( FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNIN COMPANY: <br />'Atl powers of attomey for and on 6ehalt o( the Company may and shall be executed In the name and on behalf o( Ihe Company, eilher hy the <br />Chairtnan a the President or a Yce President or an Assfsta~ Vke PresideM, Jantly wilh the Seaetary a an Assishnt Seerefary, under their <br />respective designations. The signature o( such oHicers may be engraved, prinled a IiUrographed. The signaturo ol each ol Ne (allawing <br />offieers: Chairtnan, Presiderrt, any Ywe President, any Asslslant Vke Presiderrt, a~ry Secretary, am/ Assislant Secrefary and tl~e seal al iha <br />Company may he aHbeed hy tacstmile to any power ol attamey or to any eertlNcate relatlng Uxrdo appolMing Asslstant Secretaries or <br />Attomeys-in-Fad for purposes onty af exeeuting and attesting bonds and undertaldngs aM other vrtitings obllgatory in the rwture thereaf, arW <br />any sueh power ol attomey or certificate bearing such facsimile signature a facsimile seal shaN be ralid and binding upon the Company and <br />any such power sa executed and certified by such facstmile signatvre and facsimile seal shall be valld and birMing upon the Company wiTh <br />respect to any bo~M or undertalang to vfiieh R Is attached.' <br />I, Kenneth C. Wendel, Auistant Secretary ol FEOERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, VIGILANT INSURANCE COMPANY, and PACIFIC INDEMNITY <br />COMPANY (the'Companies') do hereby certlfy that <br />(I) the foregoing eMract of the By-Laws of Me Companies is We and correct, <br />(ii) the ComP~s are duy ficensed and aWior¢ed to transad u+elY busi~s n al 50 N IM Urv~ed Smtes ol Mwica and the ~Istrid of <br />Cohm6e and are aWwr¢ed by tha U. S. Treasuy Depa~trt~enk fuCw, Feder~ and Vigdanl are iarsed 'n Puerro Rico and the U. S. Vrgn <br />Islarids. antl Federal is ficensed'n Mxriean Sartwa, Guxn, and eaeh of fhe Pro~inces o( Canada exept P~ce Ed.vard Isknd; and <br />(iii) Ihe (oregoing Povrer ol Attomey is We. cortect and In full fwce anE eNect. C C p <br />1 LU <br />Given under my hand and seals ot said Canpanies at Warten, NJ ihis <br />uawc umr e /ww <br />~~ Fo ,y~a.`~~~~4,~E ,~`~""tF~ <br />-~- ~ <br />~ ~~ <br />~ ~ : ~' " N`~ j * <br />ws~v 7 ` `~ ~ ,ov <br />~NDIAH~ '~75 KSM NFW YOP~ <br />day ol <br />0 4 1999,,9_ <br />,~~~~~.~.~a <br />' KennMh C. Wendel, Assistanl Secretary <br />IN THE EVENT YOU WISH TO NOTIFY US OF A CLAIM, VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BOND OR <br />NOTIFY US OF ANY OTHER MATTER, PLEASE CONTACT US AT ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE, OR BY <br />Telephone (908) 903-3485 Fax (908) 903-3656 e-mail: <br />is~ooas ~a. z-ve~ wnserrr <br />