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FORM OF PROPOSAL <br />9828 SECTION 00131-1 <br />~-~~ <br />~~ _-~(~~~ « ~~,.- <br />TO: Marion County Salem Area Mass Transit District <br />100 High Street 3140 Del Webb Avenue NE <br />Salem, Oregon 97301 Salem, Oregon 97303-4165 <br />The Undersigned, having visited the site of the proposed construction and having become familiar with the <br />conditions aHecUng the cost of the work and all requirements of the Contract Documents, hereby proposes <br />and agrees to fumish any and all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, services and perform all work <br />for the Construction of Courthouse Square. All work to be performed in strict accordance wiih the pians <br />and specificaiions as indicated in the Bidding and Contraci Documenis, such Documents enumerated under <br />the Supptementary Conditlons, and the following Addenda(s): <br />~<~~en<~Q s I ~ ~ f ~ <br />The undersigned agrees, if awarded the Contract for the Project, to complete the work no later than 570 <br />calendar days aHer the date of commencement. The daie of commencement shall be fixed in a Notice to <br />Proceed. <br />The undersigned agrees, if awarded the Contract for the Work, to execute and deliver to the Owner not later <br />than the date of execution of ihe Contract a satisfactory P°rfortnance Bond and Labor and Material Payment <br />8ond; each in an amount equal to 100% of the toial Lump Sum in the Agreement. <br />Bid Security in an amount not less then ten (10) percent of the total Lump Sum Basic Bid in the Proposal <br />Form is enclosed. The undersigned further agrees thai the Bid Securiiy, payable to the Owners, Marion <br />County and Salem Area Mass Transit District, shall be left in escrow with the Owner; that if selected by the <br />Owner as successful bidder, the full amount of the Bid Security as the measure of liquidated damages which <br />the Owner will sustain by failure of the undersigned to execute and deliver the specified Contract and <br />Performance/Material Payment Bond within ten (10) days after written notification of such selection shall be <br />forteited and become payable to the Owner if the undersigned defaults by such failure. <br />LUMP SUM BASIC BID ~ I ~~-~I~~N ~„~ <br />PRICE FOR PROJECT: r`~ <br />`~ 4WJ'~'N/~ <br />N-~~C.~e d <br />Dollars (~ ~ .-~- ~`6R, U~G ) <br />The Basic Bid may be changed to incorporate an altemate proposal described in the Schedule of Altemates <br />as may be selected by the Owner. <br />ALTERNA~ ~~1, PhARK G~~~~t•~ ~hC>~~~~ ~ 5e~,e~ {~(,l_t~ll'~~4 <br />ADD: ~,~X~ r <br />~P(L~h'F~~ Ca nJ[~I 1C~~-~ Doilars(T~~~{ ~g~ ) <br />I <br />AITERNAT1E.N0. <br />ADD: ~lu <br />~~~~~c~ Dollars (~~G.~---~ ~ ~ ) <br />