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~' ~ <br />F. Unless noted as abandoned, expose electrical cables only by hand excavation and <br />do not cut until cable has been identified and the Engineer has approved the cut. <br />G. Notify the Engineer of all utilities exposed. Do not disrupt or cut unidentified <br />utilities until identified and the Engineer has approved the cut. <br />H. Repair damages that result from execution of the work at no cost to the County. <br />Repairs sha11 be subject to approval of the Engineer. <br />1.3 SANITARY FACILITIES <br />A. Make arrangements for and maintain toilet facilities that comply with local and <br />state departments of health. <br />1.4 STAGING, PARKING, AND WORK AREA <br />A. Coordinate access to and from staging, pazking, and work azeas with the Engineer. <br />1.5 WARNING SIGNS, TEMPORARY FENCING AND BARRICADES <br />A. Install and maintain adequate warning signs, temporary fencing (6' chain link <br />fence) and barricades, lighted and weighted as necessary, to protect properiy and <br />personnel in the work azea. <br />B. Mazk open trenches, excavations, or obstructions with lighted and weighted <br />barricades which can be seen from a reasonable distance. <br />C. Excavations left open overnight shall be surrounded by temporary 6' chain link <br />fencing. <br />1.6 STORAGE AND PROTECTION OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT <br />A. The Engineer will designate the area in which the Contractor may store material <br />and equipment. <br />B. Store material and equipment within the staging area. <br />C. Protect materials and equipment from damage, pilfering, etc., and fully relieve <br />Marion County of this responsibility. <br />D. Upon completion of the work, remove unused materials and equipment. <br />E. Store materials to be salvaged by the Contractor in the staging azea. <br />F. Tanks shall be removed from the premises the same day as excavated and <br />removed. <br />1.7 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT <br />Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls 01500-2 <br />