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~ <br />~ <br />SECTION 01500 <br />CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS <br />PART 1 - GENERAL <br />1.1 TEMPORARY UTILITIES <br />A. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining water and electric <br />power and pay all costs. <br />B. Maintain temporary facilities in a safe and proper manner and completely remove <br />from the site prior to final acceptance. <br />1.2 EXISTING UTILITIES <br />A. Within Marion County property, notify owners of underground utilities within the <br />construction azea, in advance of the commencement of excavation activities, as <br />prescribed in Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 757.541 to 757.571, Excavation <br />Regulations. <br />1. Notify underground utility owners that are members of the Oregon <br />Utilities Coordinating Council via that Council's "one-call" notification <br />system (503/246-6699). Concurrently, notify the Engineer when the "one- <br />call" request is being initiated. <br />2. For County owned underground utilities, utility locating requests shall be <br />made to the County. The County will locate and mark the utilities at no <br />cost to the Contractor. Make location requests in advance, allowing <br />adequate time to schedule the work, an amount equivalent to that specified <br />in the above-referenced ORS statutes. <br />B. Within public rights-of-way, or within easements for underground utilities, notify <br />utility owners in advance of the commencement of any and all excavation <br />activities, as prescribed in the above-referenced ORS statutes, via the Oregon <br />Utilities Coordinating Council's "one-call" notification system. <br />C. Protect existing utilities, and other public and private facilities and improvements <br />which are to remain in place, from damage in the course of the work. <br />D. Perform any shutdown of utilities only when such shutdown will not interfere <br />with County operations. Schedule shutdowns through the Engineer, allowing time <br />for adequate coordination. <br />E. In the event of interruption to field-located utility services as a result of the work, <br />promptly notify the Engineer first, and then the proper authority. Cooperate with <br />said authority in restoring service as promptly as possible. If required, the <br />Contractor shall install suitable temporary service until permanent repair is <br />completed and bear the cost of repair and temporary service. <br />Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls 01500-1 <br />