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~,.r <br />SECTION 01900 <br />TRAFFIC CONTROLS <br />PART 1 - GENERAL <br />1.1 DESCRIPTION <br />~ <br />A. This section covers all work necessary to conduct construction operations so as to <br />offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to the public and to protect <br />pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Coordinate all work with the Engineer. <br />PART 2 - PRODUCTS <br />2.1 LJNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES <br />A. As necessary, provide flagman, barricades, signs and traffic control devices built <br />in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, published <br />by the U. S. Department of Transportation as amended by the Oregon supplement <br />thereto. <br />PART 3 - EXECUTION <br />3.1 TRAFFIC CONTROL WITHIN THE PROJECT <br />A. T'he Contractor shall present his proposed traff'ic control plan to the Owner and <br />Engineer at the pre-construction meeting and obtain approval prior to <br />commencing work. <br />B. Provide approved access to private properties, parking and service entrances at all <br />times. During urgent stages of construction when it is impractical to perform <br />construction and maintain access simultaneously, access may be interrupted with <br />permission of the Owner. When access is to be denied or impaired, give <br />occupants of affected properties at least 24 hours prior notice. <br />PART 4 - TRAFFIC CONTROLS <br />4.1 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT <br />A. All traffic safety and control is considered incidental work for which no separate <br />payment will be made. <br />END OF SECTION <br />TrafFic Controts 01900-I <br />