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~U~R30-99 WED 11:13 AM MARION CTY PURCHASING FAX N0, 91503734379 <br />~ <br />r~ <br />. ~ <br />• <br />ADDEND{JM TO CONTRACT <br />between <br />Marion County, a~olitical subdivision of ck~e State of Oregon <br />atMd <br />Geotechnica~ Resources Incorporated <br />IIVTRODUCTIQ~f <br />P, 4 <br />Tk~is conaact is between Marion Cou~ty, a poliucal subdiYision of lhe Sta~e o~ Oregon, hereinafter called COUN'~X, and <br />Geotechnical Resources, ~nc., hereinafter ca(led CONTRA,C~'OR. <br />~'he CONTRACTOR agrees to p[qvide ~,~e servlces as speciFied i~ t~e ge~e1~~ Conditions of the ptoposal foF the peraod o~' <br />June 18, I997 th[ougt~ August 34, 1997. II is uhdcrstood ~at t~as coniract between the COUN7'Y a~d t~e <br />CON'~'RAC'~'01Z As subject to the availability of loca~, state and federal funds. This conuact is ~o~r the pe~iod indicpted <br />a~d does ~not in any w~y Commit the COUNTY to ob~igate ~'unds for continuation ~f these se~v~ces beyot~d the contract <br />pe~iod. <br />C.[V~, RIGHTS, REHA$ILTTATION qCT, p,~~C,ANS WITH DISABILI'I'~ES AC~' A,ND TIT'~,~ VI OF <br />THE CIVI~ R~G~i'I'S ,A,C'~ <br />The Cp1V'~'~2,A,Ct'OR agrees to comply with the Civ~il ~tig~~s Ac~ oF 1964, and 1991. Ari~ericans wilh D~sabAZic~es ~Act of <br />1990 and Sec~ion 504 oF the Rehabxiitat~on Act oP 1973, and Title YI as i~plen~e~ked by 45 C~tF 80 and 84 which states <br />in part. No quali~ed pe~rson shatl on the basis of disability, rece, coZo~r, or ~ational otigtn be excluded fmm participatxon <br />in, be denied che bene~ts of, or otherwise be subjected to discrA~ni~acio,n under any program or activity which receav~d or <br />benefits from federal financial assistance. <br />3. 1~VAGES <br />Co~t~actor shall noe empioy any pcrson petForming wo;k unde~ t~as co~nuact for more than eight hours in any one day, or <br />40 hours in any one week, except in cases of ~necess~ry, er~e~rgency, or where the public policy abso~ucc~y re~ua~es As, <br />Co~tzaccoc sk~a~l pay a~~ i~divaduals performing work under this contract at ~cast t~~e-a~,d-a-halF for all ovctt~me in ezcess <br />o~ exghc hours a day and for work performed on Saturday or any Iega~ l~o~~day sRecified in ORS 279,334, IF this contract <br />is for personat se~vzces ss de,Fned in ORS 279~OS 1, tk~e conttactor shall pay all mdividuals per~or~tning person,al services <br />under this cQntract at least ~anne-a~d-a-half ;For al~ overtime worked in ~ace$s oF 40 houzs in any o[~e woe~C, oxcePt for <br />i~d~v~iduals who are excluded under ORS 653,0t0 to (53.261 or u~der 29 USC sections 2o1-2U9, from receiving <br />ove~time. If this conerac[ is for publie work subjcct to ORS 279-34$ co 279-363 or the David-bacon Act (40 USC 276a), <br />the conttactor agrees to abide by the provisions of ORS 2'79-350 oz~ 40 USC 276a, whichevet is applicable. <br />4. INDEMNIFICqTION <br />~'h;e co~etaceo~r shall agree to defend, indemnify arfd hold harmless ttae COiJ~TTX, ats of~cers, agents and employees from <br />da~aa~es arising out of the torlious acts of the CONTRAC'z'OR, ~ts o,f~'xceirs, agents and employees acling within the scope <br />of their employment and dut,~es An pe~,fo~arnce a~'t~is agreement subject to the limitat~ons a~,d cond~c~on~s o~ tk~e O~egon <br />?o~c Caa,inns ,A,ct, ORS 30.260 through 30-300, and the Oregon Co~nst~tukioz~, A,~rt~ick XI, Section 7'. <br />C acting Ae~artmeat <br />~'f ``1`~ <br />lgna u[e Dste <br />s~~`!'t5t`~z ,. ~ <br />~ ~~97 <br />~ ~' te <br />~lG/ <br />~'At e ~ <br />Add~ess 9725 SNt Beaverton-Hi~ledale Hwy <br />05 <br />xax 1D# s3--0864800 <br />ed as t <br />~Gr~L~'~jt„~~O c~~~~ <br />C o cracts Coo di ator Date <br />Approved as to Fo~ <br />~ ~~~ ~ Z ~ ~~ <br />l u D te <br />