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J?JNT30-99 <br />~13 AM MARION CTY PURCHASING <br />FAX N0, 91503734379 <br />~ Geotec~nxcaZ Resources Incorporated <br />ConSUlting ~ngi~neezs, Geoingists, and Env-ronmental Scientists <br />lane 92, 199'1 <br />Nlar~on county <br />100 High Stxeet ~TE, Fi~h. ~~ooc <br />5alem, OR 973Q1 <br />41~tte~tio~n: David Hartwig <br />~~11~ <br />,~UN 3 0 1~~ <br />RISK MANA~EM~i~~Y <br />P, 5 <br />plC1~SQUAtL~.RRO <br />(ie+: b/a3N~ <br />SUB.TEC`It SCOPE OF WOR~ ,A-ND BUDGET FOR DESIGN OF A CONS~.',~tUC~TOlv <br />D~WATERiNG SY5'TE1Vr, pROPOSED COU~tTHOUSE SQUARE <br />DEVELU~ZI~1E~1~', SA,I~~M, OREGON <br />At your request, Geotechn.ical ~tesources, Ina (GR~ has prepared this scope o~wotk and budget for the <br />desigtx of a construction dewatecing system fo~ the proposed Courthouse Square develapment in Salem, <br />Oregon. The purpose of the dewate~tag system is to manage goundwatear levels during construction of <br />the proposed developmet~t. Oux ~cope of work includes the review o~ exast~ng information, construct~ot~ <br />o£a test we~l, cor~pletion of a pump test, design o~'a cot~sttuct~or~ dewatering system, and preparat~on o~a <br />report. The report wi1! summarize our ~indi~gs a;nd ~resent our recommendatioz~s ~or t~e dewate~ng <br />system. <br />PROJECT DE5CR81TON <br />We understand the ~ro~osed Gourthouse Square development in Salem wil~ occupy the entUe city block <br />bounded by Chemeketa S~reet NE on the north, Court Street NE ot~ the south, F~igh Street NE on the <br />west, a~d Church Street NE on the east. The b~ock is cuz~'ently developed with ex.istin~g buildittgs and <br />associated par~ng ateas. Pt'e~minary building design is faz a~our- o~r ~ve-story structure with two levels <br />of underground garking. We ur~de3rstand the floot of the lower level wili be about 20 ft below grade. Our <br />reviev~- o~ in.fornaat~o~t provided by you indicates groundwater Zevels be~neath the site ranged from l0 to <br />IS fr below the ground surface in Pebruaty o~'tius year. ~Ve anticipate that grou~dwater pum,ping will be <br />~equ~~ed to ma~ntain thc groundwater level below a deptk~ o~about 21 ft during constiruct~o~. <br />POTEN'1'IAL ENVY1tON1V~NTAL CONCE~iS <br />We undecstand a gasolitne service station was ~reviously located oz~ tk~e southeast portian of the site, and <br />that leaking gasoline and diesel underground storage ta,r~ks (USTs) associated with the station Aavc <br />contaminated soi! and g~roundwateir on the site. Some infocmation regarding tt~e cuRent envu~onment~l <br />status of the s-te has beers provided to us. We ackinovv~edge that soil and/or g~oundwater cantamit~ation <br />could be encounte~ed du;~uag construction of the test well and pum~ test described i», th~e Scope of Work <br />sect~on o£thi~s aettec Fiowever, it shoutd be noted that this scope o~work does not include any provis-o~s <br />to ma~a~ge or dispose of contaminated soil and/o~ goundwate,r. <br />y725 5W B~avcrtcrn-kIilNsci ~l~ 11wv <br />Sttitu 1~(s <br />Rravcrlun. (~rcfi~rn 97UU5-3Zl~a <br />Phune (5U~) G~1-3S78 FAX (51):i) (KL~-ti~';~4 <br />., »..:r .,v:a~~.,a..._....~ _..... <br />