~i5:~'12i'199r 15:25 5~~-29'-2E35 H~NN~ h~1CELD0~~~NE'Y P~GE ~~
<br />~ ~
<br />I.WHOLB AGRETMFI+IT. 7l~ie A(3REFbSENT fs ihe compkae ond cxcluoive ou~emen~ of the AGRED~dENT betvvicen the Paitie~ relevant w tho purpooe deacribed ~nd
<br />u~perredn ap prior taroams~sts, oral or Wrinen. ~nd ~11 oilxr commnnicauon bonsreen cbc poniea reietinY ~o Ne suDject maaa of tt~a AOR~~MLMENT.
<br />2. WR1'I'IEN NI077CE, M,~ rodac oi~tdtuien ot o~h~c aort~m~~tt~on }u'ving a material e[leet on this A(3REE=MENT ahall be eened by U.S. M~il on fhe ei~vtoriu lietcd.
<br />3. GO~gN11YG LARr~VE~'[JE• ~I~S-+ Af3R~N? 6ltatl ba go~emod by ~hc IaWO of tAe Su~s a[ O~s~on. M4 accioa comm~ocad in rnnnea.ion WitA thi~ AGRfiE~MBNT
<br />ihall De in tha Di+uiet ot Cireuit Cwtt of Mation Countp. ,0.1t tiphte and temcdles o[ the CUUNTY shail De cumulative and m~y ~c e~oc~ciced ufcce~si~ely or conc.vrrently.
<br />1be Ietajoin~ i~ alQwut lintiution ta or W~lvar of eny othu t+{Ats or ce[nsdie~ oP Ne COUMY accocGiny W la~.
<br />a, C0.41PLIANCB• Ths CON'17t~CfOA .+hall cnmply ~+itli ~It ~pplicaele Fedent, Sute ~nd tx~~ l~ve, cu1~ ~nd [a;ul~uoaa. All pcoviiiona oC ORS 279.310 lluvuYl! 4J0
<br />~ublic Contracte ~ttd Pucehtdnf) are incotpon~e~ ixtein to the cztuu applicab1e w pereorullpcofeseion~l x[vics e~reements.
<br />5. JUDICIAL AIJ[.l:~GS. If ~ny proviaion of thi~ AGREEMENT a~ appiicd co ei~he~ p.c~9 or in anY circumrtanee6 ahill be adjudQed Cy a coure -o be ~u;d or uacnforatble,
<br />the ~+me th~ll in nu rray r2fea ony otner provinion of thia AGREFMENT oc thc validiry or cnforuability ot the AGREEMENf.
<br />6. I\'DEPEh~ENT CdNTRACTOR. tbe CONTR.~CTOR, in uttqitty ae+t tIle 9crvicu tD be provided undec titic AC3RHEM'~~'7?, ls ~aing ~` an `indcpe~em coatr~cwr'
<br />~nd it not an smplo9ee of CQUNTI, a~d ~e tuch `~p~s t411 reaponeibiiity for wcee or other obligationa aeaociatu4 with paymont for seNicea unda thie AC•REFMEN'T, Aa
<br />an 'indepcndent conttsaoc'. CON'lRACJ~R ~ill no[ teceive any benefita normally nccnting w COUNTY tmployeeB uNcse required bp applicable tau~. . Putthecmorc.
<br />COAIIRACTOR ia hee ta cor~tntt diih aher p~ttiet for cha dvratio0 ottho AGRE~ME.NT.
<br />7.L~'DE,'~IIYiF1CL110N. The CONI~CSOR ehell dave h~miles4, indemnit~, and defrnd the COUN'IY for any ind aIl claims, d~a~es, losses and ezpuiw inelulin~ bvt
<br />noc limi~rct tn twaQUble saemep's tbei u+smg aut of oc ~esultiny ~om CONTRACTDB'e pe[fo[mance of ot tiilute ~o pedaRn [De oDliYadons of thia AGREFMENT ~o the e~Aent
<br />umc ue c~ured by the neyli~enoe or mixenducc of CON7RAC?OR ot ist employua or o~ent~•
<br />S.tNSURANCE. The COPrI'RACTOR et~U m~in~ain oi .IS times commcrciai gqaeral liaDility ineunnce, propeny d~msec~iutomobilc inauranca, and medical~pcofe~~ioa~1
<br />malpn~ti~e it ~ppliuEle, coverir~ iee activiuas and operationa uadu thi~ e'-Qreament. 'Ihe CONITL~.CTOR SHALL n~mc the COUNTY , ite olticets, egents ana employac~
<br />,: addioun! in9uteda loc Yenet~! liabiliry er-d propet~p datna~e inar~oce cover~e ~nd aa Endacremen~ ahz11 be is:ucd hy [he :.ompaup showing rhe COUf1'IY aa an ~ddloonel
<br />insur~d and me~it~ i 30-day Notice of Caoaellsaen end~rsement. Such inaurance shall be in the [oc•ma ~nd amouncs nat let~ th~n set forth ia ORS 30.2~0: S 100,000 propeR}
<br />dun~~e per d~irturn, S2Qo,000 all o~her cliim~ p~r daiman~, SS00,000 al! claims. Min;mum limita reguirr.d foc medicalrprofesaionel malp~aa~ce 51.000,000. All ineunnce
<br />stuli be evidanoed by a Ce[tiRcate oY Inw[ancr pmvided to Lhe COUNIY, indic8unr eweraga, limite and c$ec~ive dateg, by an iniutance compeny li~eaa~d to do bueineae
<br />in the Sute af Ote~oa. Some, or ill, of the tequired inturanca map be ~vaived ot modibed if approved by the COUNIY's Conttacts Officer. Waivet ie tequeatcd as Sollown:
<br />Contnaor ~o prwide avidence o[ covenyn ~s'ithou~ naming Macion Cwntp 9c addiaon~l inauesd,
<br />O Co:rracu OtUo~r Tnitial
<br />O Concracxor's Initialc
<br />CammeNa
<br />9. R'OiLKF.AS' CO.~EP6ATION. The CON'IR~CTOR ahall eomgly ~+ith OR3 656 tor~U cmployeee ~rha wocY in the S~tc ot Oregon. 'il~c CONTR4C7'Oit 9hall obuin
<br />a~ ~~ i~ ~~a du~~ ~~rm ofdye comnct, urorys+~' crnnpauacion insunnce With e~tucory licnica iad employers' liabiliry ineur~ncc. CONTR.~CTOR ahaU providc
<br />tAe COLiNfY ~vfth eviderus iha- it ia ~ curic-ins~ued or xlf•ina+ad employer in tiil! compliance v+s~h rhe cequuemcne6 of ORS CkwQcer 656, oc eRat it employe no peraon~ eubjstt
<br />to U1e ~equitemenet ot ORS 656, aorkerd' Cofipenaation Insurance,
<br />!0. h'UNDLSCRIibNAT70:v. 'Il~e Co[1CC9en[ a~ees to comply ~ith the C.i~il Rlg~ts Act of 1960, end 1991. Americans v~ith Di~abiiiiiea wu of E990, ~nb Sectiun 504 of Ute
<br />Relnbilitadon Art a[ t97~, tad 'IyUe VI zs impkemen~cd by 43 CAR 80 and 84 wAich e~a~es in pvn, no quallSied pecson enall on the baeie oP4i~iDiliry, tace, colot, or n~tiunel
<br />ori;in bs esduEed itom prrticipation in, be denied the DeneSta of, ot othec~ise De subjeeted to discrjtninaiion under nny progr~to oc activity a+hich received ot hcnetfte ftom
<br />fedenl Antncral auisirrfce.
<br />I 1. 7ERMINA'fION OF AGRF~MSNT. T1u AC38F.F.~NT may oe [ermi~tca utsdet tlfa fottowItt~ coaditiona:
<br />~. By dti~n ~num~l a:roec»ent of both panies. Tctmiziatioa urtdei tltis provieion may be itnmediatc.
<br />D. Upon fiReen (1S) nlendar dtye wriRen norice by eit3ter PaRy ~o c~e other o[ intrnt to u~minete.
<br />c. Immcdi~uly on bteacR of thc coeccscc.
<br />I~cky, ~CdtEF~~Nr ~o t~rnay~ed sy ~lchc panp, tnr Rasona od~er tlun bnsch of contcaa, ihe COUN7Y ~greas to pay to thc CONITRACTOR tll coat~ and ezpens~s atsocieted
<br />witA 4uvices fatit&ao[11y pto~'idsd to the eIIecti~c eote of ~ersainaiion.
<br />12. SUBCONTRACTI\Gl~ON-AS8iG~11~tE?1T. No portion of the AGREEMEPI'I' m~p bc oontncled ot sasiYned to ~ny o~her indi~idu41, tirm of cAU~y Wlthout the cxptc9s
<br />^nd ptia ~ppcrn+al of ibe COUNTY.
<br />I3, SURYIVAL. 'Ilie ~erma, conaieions, reptesenutions end ~11 ~aisamics concainW in this AdREEMEIVT ah~ll tuc~•i~~e the ttrmis+ation or ezpiracion oC thia AGREEMFl`1T.
<br />14. ~DLVG, In tIIe avent ths Board of Comnu3~ionere of thc CQUNTY reducea, changee, eliminates, or ott~er Wise modifiea Nc flindirig tor any of tRe services idcntihcd.
<br />chc CON7RaCTOR iessca co ebide trp any iuch dsci~ion includinQ termicution of aetvice.
<br />11. STA:~IDARD OF SERVICfiS AIYD WARRAHTY. 7Zu CONIRRCI'C)R agrces to perfotm iu aer~icel Wich thnt uandttd of carc, ekiil ~nd dili:snce noccoalll Providcd
<br />by a proft~tioNJ it-dividual in 1Ae pecfocIItancs of ~imiirr sarvicee. I( in undertrood that the CON7R4C-'I'OR muet porform the aecvices b~4cd in part on irtformadon furniaheC
<br />b9 che COLSNTY and chu tAe CONTR.AC'IbR ehall ~e enuUcd to rely on wch informeuon. Ao~cver, the CON7RiCT0$ ia Yivtn noticc Inet [he COUNIY ~t'tll bc relyio8
<br />on the ~oaaacy, mmpacrKe snd compldtnese ef the CON'IR{CTOR'S scrrias in uti!'air~ ttti resvUs oC wch services. Tne CONIRACTOR W arr+nu ~hnc nc~ rccommenduioaa,
<br />guid~nco and pcrfom~ance o( any per~on vsa~ned under ~he AGRPEMENT arx!t be in eccorGance W~itA pmfeseional a~andorda enQ tAe tcquiremerns of ~hc AGREEMENT.
<br />16. C~U~iTY PRIORITIF.S. 7'he CON'IRACTOR ~t~ll comply ptompUy wita eny tequeats by the CQUPi'i7 rclatinY to the emphasie or relsdve emphasis to be pl~ted on
<br />vsriaus Qipas~ o[ ~1Se work or to wcd other m~aera pet[ainin~ ~+aid Worti.
<br />1~. OWlVERSE~ A.\D L'~ OF DOCUM~~~I~S- eitt doauneraa• a~ c~ef tr~~°n+~ euDmla~d ~° ~hc COU1Ti'Y by CONTR.ICTOR anafl becomc the Rele and exdupi~e Y[opett9
<br />of the COUNIY• All material preparad bp COPiTRACTOR under this nGRF_Et+(Ei3T may be subjea to Urepon'R PuDlic RecoreK La~va.
<br />18. TAX CO~.[A:\CE CFRTLFiCA'I10V. CONSRACCOR heroDy cuti8eo, uader ponalty oC pccjutY. es providod itl OF`S 305.383l6). that to tAe beat of CON'fRAC'TOR'S
<br />[n~u~ledye. CONCRACTOR iz not in viofa~ion et erty of eAe ux IrW~ doccribed ln ORS 105.38D(4?.
<br />