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~ ~ ~ <br />-------- - --- <br />1378 . <br />of property lost, stolen, or damaged in the move or storage through no <br />fault of the displaced person.) <br />~6) AnY license ~ermit or certifirar~~., required of the displaced erson <br />at the replacement location. However, the payment may be ba ed on <br />the remaining useful life of the existing license, permit, or certification. <br />(~) The replacement value of property lost, stolen, or damaged in the <br />process of moving (not through the fault or negligence of the displaced <br />person, his or her agent, or employee) where insurance covering such <br />loss, theft, or damage is not reasonably available. <br />(g) Professional services necessary for: <br />(a) Planning the move of the personal property, <br />(b) Moving the personal property, and <br />(~) Installing the _relocated .personal property at the repiacement <br />location. <br />~~9~ ~~=I~CttGl`j ~ ] ~.a . a`*~larin~. ~• .• <br />d~splacement that are made obsolete~as ~ajre ult of theamove time of <br />(10) Actual direct loss of tan ble ersonal ro e incurred as a result of <br />.moving or discontinuing the business, nonprofit organization or farm <br />operation. T'he payment shall be the Jesser of: <br />~a) ~e market value of the item for continued use at the <br />displacement site, less the proceeds from its sale. (To be <br />eligible for payment, the claimant must make a good faith effort <br />to sell the personal property, unless the Agency determines that <br />such effort is not necessary.) Payment for the loss of goods <br />held for sale shall not exceed the cost of the goods to the <br />business, nonprofit organization or farm; or <br />(b) The estimated cost of moving the item, but with no aJlowance <br />for storage. (If the business, nonprofit organization or farm <br />operation is discontinued, the estimated cost shall be based on <br />a moving distance of 50 miles.) <br />w _ <br />~ <br />9/90 <br />4-2 <br />