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~ ~ ~ ~ <br />1378 __ ____ J <br />(11) The reasonable cost incurred in attempting to sell an item thac is not <br />to be relocated. <br />(12) Purchase of substitute personal propertX. If an item of personal <br />property which is used as part of a business, nonprofit organization or <br />~r•+-~ ~es~ / farm operation is not moved but is promptly replaced with a substitute <br />item that performs a comparable function at the replacement site, the <br />displaced person is entitled to payment of the lesser of: <br />(a) The cost of the substitute item, including installation costs at the <br />replacement site, minus any proceeds from the sale or trade-in <br />of the replaced item; or <br />(b) The estimated cost of moving and reinstalling the replaced item, <br />but with no allowance for storage. <br />(13) Searching for a replacement location. A displaced business, nonprofit <br />organization or farm operation is entitled to reimbursement for actual <br />expenses, not to exceed $1,000, as the Agency determines to be <br />reasonable, which are incurred in searching `for a replacement location, <br />including: . ~ ~ ~ <br />(a) Transportation. <br />(b) Meals and lodging away from home. <br />(c) Time spent searching, based on reasonable salary or earnings. <br />(d) Fees paid to a real estate agent or broker to locate a <br />replacement site. However, fees or commissions related to the <br />purchase of the site are not eligible. <br />The Agency may exceed the $1,000 ceiling for good cause. Prior HUD <br />approval is not required. The Agency's files must be._documented <br />appropriately. <br />(14) Reestablishment.. expenses, as described in Paragraph 4-3, if the <br />business, nonprofit organization or farm qualifies as a"small business," <br />as defined in Paragraph 4-3a. <br />4-3 9/90 <br />