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Courthouse Square update #2 <br />hrip://www. open. org/mcboc/csquare/update2.htm <br />Update on Courthouse Square: <br />November 1997 <br />Courthouse Square, the joint venture project proposed by Marion County <br />and the Salem Area Transit District, has been undergoing a redesign in recent months. Startup of the <br />project has been delayed while transit and the county check construction and operating costs. On advice <br />of our new project developers, the Melvin Mark Development Company, we have deliberately held back <br />on final approval of the design until there is assurance that the project would be within the original <br />budget pazameters. <br />The original design called for 180,000 square feet of office building to house government offices, <br />leased private office space and space for private retail activity. Concerns from the business community <br />that the project had too much pnvate office space and concern by the county and transit district that costs <br />would exceed the original budget projections prompted the redesign to reduce the size and cost of the <br />building. <br />To make financing easier and less costly, the public and private portions have been separated into <br />two building units. The final building design contains all the original elements of the project: the <br />Hatfield Plaza on High Street, a weather-protected transit mall, a ground floor conference center, private <br />retail space, offstreet parking and space for county and transit district offices. <br />Check out the new concentual designs! <br />Demolition of the Senator block buildings was completed in September by Staton Construction of <br />Eugene. Many valley residents took advantage of the free brick give-away program as the buildings <br />were leveled. Nearly 16,000 tons of building materials were salvaged and recycled as part of the <br />demolition process. Foss Environmental Services remains on the site this fall removing old fuel storage <br />tanks and contaminated soils. <br />The project has received quite a bit of publicity lately as county and transit district officials have <br />reviewed the design and cost issues. A community update was held November 19 to present the current <br />status of the project and provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions and the Marion County <br />Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on November 26. Other opportunities for comment will <br />also be scheduled. <br />For comments and questions use our E-~sArL <br />~ Return to Courthouse Sc~uare Home Page <br />~ Return to Board of ommissioners Home Pag~ <br />~ R~turn to Marion Countv Home Pag~ <br />PEN Home Page <br />1 of 1 <br />~ Return to OPEN Home Pag~ <br />12/10/97 1:02 PM <br />