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Special Project Oversight Committee (SPOC) Report #1
CS_Courthouse Square
Special Project Oversight Committee (SPOC) Report #1
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Last modified
9/20/2012 7:44:14 AM
Creation date
9/6/2011 12:12:53 PM
Special Project Oversight Committee (SPOC) Report #1
Marion County
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project ID
CS9601 Courthouse Square Research
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INTERIM AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES <br />Agreement made, effective as of ~i ~~~~ , 1997, by and between Marion <br />~ County, a political subdivision and body politic of the state of Oregon, and the Salem Area Mass <br />Transit District, a political subdivision and body politic of the state of Oregon, hereinafter referred <br />to as "Owner", and Arbuckle Costic Architects, Inc., an Oregon corporation, hereinafter referred to <br />as "Architect". <br />The parties recite, declare and agree as follows: <br />1. Owner owns Block 5, SALEM, Marion County, Oregon. Owner intends to build a mixed <br />use facility on the real property generally consisting of underground parking facilities, a transit <br />center, administrative offices for Owner, and a commercial retail site to be leased to private parties <br />for development of retail and other private facilities. The project is known as Courthouse Square. <br />2. The project is undergoing substantial redesign. Owner needs consultation services of an <br />architect. Architect has provided similar services for the original design of the project, and wishes <br />to continue in a consultative role. Owner wishes to retain the consulting services of Architect. <br />1997 Owner has paid <br />3. Owner and Architect acknowledge and agree that as of July 28, , <br />Architect the sum of $ 434,881 • 17, ~'vhich amount is payment in full for services rendered to that <br />date, with the sole exception of $8,560.00 (which amount was billed after July 28, 1997 for <br />structural revisions) and $15,462.12 which amounts will be paid promptly following execution of <br />this Agreement. The parties have no further commitment to each other. <br />4, Both parties expect to negotiate an agreement retaining Architect to act as the architect for <br />the design and construction of the project. Both parties expect construction to begin on or about <br />January 1, 1998, and to be completed on or about May 1, 1999. Both parties agree that the <br />Architect's fee is to be not more than 6% of hard costs. The parties ab ee that all of the amounts <br />1997 and of the sums paid <br />paid or payable to Architect for services rendered on and after J1997 gthe sum of $71,209.00 shall <br />or payable to Architect for services rendered prior to July 28, <br />be applied as a credit against the amount of the fee payable to Architect under any final agreement <br />retaining Architect as the architecte an a eeement in the form attached hereto as E~xhib AMP' the <br />Owner and Architect agree to execut gr <br />5, The project is funded in part by a grant from the FTA. This a~reement is subject to FTA <br />contract requirements imposed upon Owner, as attached to Exhibit A and incorporated by this <br />reference as if fully set forth herein. <br />6, Architect a~ ees to provide se of ss' onal architects ~'I'he v~'o klto be performed inc udes the <br />and diligence normally provided by pr <br />following: <br />a. Consult with Owner to ascertain the requirements of the project and <br />confirm such requirements to Owner. <br />b, Preparation of schematic, design development and construction <br />documents, suff'icient for the preparation of a Guaranteed Maximum <br />Price (GMP) from the general contractor, in consultation with, and <br />Courthouse Square Project <br />Architect Interim Agreement <br />~ Page - 1 <br />
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