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Special Project Oversight Committee (SPOC) Report #1
CS_Courthouse Square
Special Project Oversight Committee (SPOC) Report #1
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Last modified
9/20/2012 7:44:14 AM
Creation date
9/6/2011 12:12:53 PM
Special Project Oversight Committee (SPOC) Report #1
Marion County
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project ID
CS9601 Courthouse Square Research
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with the input of, Owner, Owner's project manager and other <br />consultants. <br />c. Consult with Owner, Owner's project manager and other <br />consultants regarding the general contractor's statements of the <br />probable construction cost of the project as designed, including any <br />changes in cost resulting from requirements or general market <br />conditions, from time to time as reasonably necessary to expedite <br />preparation of fmal construction documents and estimated GMP. <br />d. Consult with Owner, Owner's project manager and other <br />consultants regarding general contractor's estimated GMP based <br />upon the final construction documents, which Owner may use in <br />evaluating feasibility of the project, bids for construction of the <br />project and other information which Owner may acquire to <br />determine the project design and cost. <br />7. Architect shall provide engineering or other technical assistance through employment of <br />outside consultants (subcontractors) only wrth the prior written request and approval of Owner. <br />Said request and approval shall disclose the cost and terms of such subcontract, but no such <br />approval by Owner shall create any contractual obligations from Owner to any such subcontractor <br />and no such subcontractor shall be a third party beneficiary of this agreement or any final <br />agreement for architectural services. <br />8. Owner agrees to pay Architect on an hourly basis for services provided by Architect under <br />this agreement. Owner and Architect agree that the hourly fees shall be those set forth in Article <br />11.3.1 of Exhibit A. Payment shall be made monthly based upon an invoice submitted by <br />Architect detailing tasks performed and time spent. Owner agrees to pay Architect a maximum fee <br />not to exceed $ 6$7,500.00 for ~all work indicated in this agreement. Owner shall reimburse <br />Architect for the reasonable amount of expenses necessanly incurred by Architect in the <br />performance of services under this agreement. <br />9. The parties acknowledge that the construction documents, sufficient for the general <br />contractor to provide Owner with a GMP under Section 6b, are not final construction documents. <br />The general contractor will be required to make assumptions where information is missing or <br />incomplete to arrive at a GMP. If the general contractor makes a claim a~ainst Owner for increased <br />cost or expense of construction because the final construction documents differ from the <br />assumptions made by the general contractor with respect to missing or incomplete information, <br />Owner agrees not to hold Architect liable for such claim. <br />10. Unless sooner ternunated by Owner, this agreement shall remain in force for a period of <br />time reasonably required to complete construction documents and to arrive at a final estimated <br />GMP within Owner's budget. <br />11. Owner may temunate this agreement at any time by a notice in writing to Architect. If this <br />agreement is terminated, Architect shall deliver to Owner all finished and unfinished documents, <br />data, studies, and reports prepazed by Architect under and pursuant to this agreement, and these <br />shall become the properry of Owner. Payment shall be made by Owner for all the work performed <br />Courthouse Square Project <br />Architect Interim Agreement <br />Page - 2 <br />
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