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Financial- Stoel Rives LLP
CS_Courthouse Square
Financial- Stoel Rives LLP
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/19/2012 3:42:32 PM
Creation date
9/8/2011 4:52:50 PM
Financial- Stoel Rives LLP
Marion County
Courthouse Square
BLDG Document Type
Project ID
CS9801 Courthouse Square Construction
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DEC-01-96 17:05 FROM-STOEL RIVES T-972 P 03/04 F-595 <br />S7'~E~.. RiWES ~.~ r <br />~ Mr. Richard Ray <br />December 2, 1948 <br />Page 2 <br />[he form of "bonowing" and therefore will not involve a lien against the <br />project, but I do nnt kn~w whe~her the Transic Disuict intends to obtain <br />owner's titie ir~surazue.} <br />3. Condominium Ph~se: The condominium will b~ created upon completion of <br />improvem~nts. Upon recordation of [he condominium declaration> all <br />condominium units and the condort~inium land will momentarily continue co be <br />owned by the uruc owners as co[enants. To tertninate the co[enancy ownership <br />(except wirh respect to a"Y-earing room" unit, discussed below}, each cotenanc <br />will execu~e a deed in favar of the other whereby each will canvey and release <br />all right, tide and interest in and to the condominium unirs to br owned in fee <br />by the other, together wirh the appurt~nani undivideci interesc in rhe land <br />associaced with such unics pursuant to the cond~minium dacumencs_ This will <br />r~su2t in rhe t~vo unit owners (i.e., the Caunry and the Transit Disirict) each <br />owning ics respeecive unics in fee, plus an apgurcenanc undivided interest in The <br />land which will be a genera! common elemenc of ch~ condflmuuum. No part <br />of the condaminium properry is ~o be owned by an owner's associa[ian, as all <br />mal properry cQmprising the condominium will be owned directly by the Two <br />unit owners as described. Howev~r, there will b~ ac least three differences in <br />the legal descriptions of the Counry's "construction-geriod monga~e" and the <br />"condominium-period mortgaae": {i} first, the aggregace percenrage <br />ownership in[erest of each unit owuer in the condortiiniutn reai gropeny <br />(buiiding and land) will be based upon their respective shar~s of actual <br />co~cruction costs, whieh ownership percentages are expected to differ, though <br />ne~ligibly, from their res}?ective pre-condominium cotenancy percenia~~ <br />interes[s (which were based upon estimated costs); {ii) seconci, while the <br />County's consuuction-period. mongage wiil describe solely an undivided <br />cotenancy interest in the land ansi improvemen~s comprising th~ projecc> i~s <br />condominium-periad mongage will describe a fee interest in ~.he Counry's units <br />and an associated undivided interest in the condomi.nium land, plus a cotcnancy <br />interest in che "hearing room" unit {described below) in a percentage interes~ <br />equal to rhe County's percentage share of actual co~struccion costs; and (iii) <br />one of the condomuuum units (a "heazing Toom" unit) is [o be owned by the <br />two unit awners as cotenants, together wirh ihe appurtenant undivided land <br />in~rest pursuant to [he condominium documents. Thesr differences raise ihe <br />question whether, for tide insurance purposes wi[h respect to the County's <br />interesc, a single poiicy, supplemented with modification, conciominium and/ar <br />other endorsemencs, may be used, or wherh~r more rhan one p~licy wil! be <br />required. And, if the latter, whe~r and what prrmium crediu are available <br />ro reduce overall ticle insuranc~ costs. <br />P DX 1 A• 1~ 3:,33 1 28229~I)(? 1 <br />
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