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DEC-02-98 17:06 FRO~-STOEL RIVES <br />STUFL RIVES L~r <br />Mr. Richard Ray <br />December 2, 1998 <br />Page 3 <br />T-972 P.04/04 F-595 <br />4. L,a~: A 1996-97 appraisal esti~ated the valur of ~lack 5 at $2,285,Q99. <br />Based upon che foregoing information and the information previously pravided co you <br />by Mr. Randy Cur[is in his Rrquest for Quotes {as modified by inforn~ation contained <br />herein}, please provide sep3rate [itle insurance price quotes for (i} owner's ude insurance for <br />bo~h standard and extended ALTA coverage wirh respec~ [o the ownership interest of ~ <br />County and (ii) mortgagee's ALTA extended coverage for the Counry's financin~. All <br />quot~s should asvme a$22,000,000 policy amount (whrther owner's or mongager's policy) <br />and include the cost of condominium and modification endorsement(s), as a,pplicable (ar <br />orher cost to obiain equivalent protection); in the event an owner's policy is ordered, I am <br />assuming a mortgagee's policy can be obtained for a simultaneous issue cha.rge of $50_00. <br />!n your response, please staie any facnial assumpcions on which your quotes are dependent <br />tha[ are not expressly described above, as well as any other factars or al[ematives that may <br />affect prieing, anti the eariiest date by which your company, if selecced co provide ticle <br />insurance> could provide a preliminary title rcpor[ and copirs of exception documencs. Your <br />r~sponse shauld also consid~r rhe effect of ORS 271.390(2} on your analysis. <br />If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone. If you <br />believe you will be unabl~ to provide a response by Friday of this week, please Iet me know <br />immediaieiy by telephone. <br />Yo ~s very irc~ly> <br />+ <br />~, ~ <br />~ ~~~~~~ <br />mas R. Nicolai <br />TRN:P,jn <br />cc: Mr. Randy Cunis (~ia r~ 5o3-58s-sass~ <br />Mr. Michael Hans~n t~~d rsx ~os-3~~-asb~> <br />Mr. Edward D. Einowski <br />PDX1A-153233 1 2 'a:29-0001 <br />