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Marion County Class Specification BulletinPage of <br />>>> <br />benefits contract language; and principles of benefit plan administration necessary to effectively manage <br />employee benefits. <br />Working knowledge of: principles and practices of insurance and risk management; property, liability, <br />and workers' compensation insured and self-insured programs, regulations related to establishment of <br />such programs, and systems to evaluate and maintain effective programs; techniques of claims <br />investigation, administration and resolution; and principles and practices of public administration, <br />including budget administration and personnel management. <br />Skills and ability to: develop strategic plans, establish goals and policies, measure and report progress; <br />develop, implement, and evaluate programs; communicate effectively both orally and in writing; <br />effectively provide leadership, manage, train, and evaluate staff; facilitate problem solving; perform <br />research and analyze data and make decisions relating to employee benefits; negotiate and monitor <br />contracts; establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with individuals from diverse groups <br />and backgrounds, whether members of the public, elected officials or co-workers; and serve as liaison <br />and facilitator. <br />ADOPTED: <br />08/80 <br />REVISED: <br />01/87; 10/89; 05/92; 10/93; 11/98; 04/07; 11/12 <br />MARKET REVIEW: <br />11/12; 11/18 <br /> <br />