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i~~ / ~ <br />s~~ <br />April 2~. 2000 <br />Do~vnto~t~n Development Advisory Board <br />Community Dcvelopmcnt Dcpartmcnt <br />City of Salem <br />~>j Libcrty Strect SE <br />Salem, Oregon 97301 <br />Dcar Members of the I3oard: <br />What e~citement is growin~ for do~~-nto~~n Salem ~vith the development of Courthouse Square~ <br />As ~~ou kno~~, CouRhouse Square ~~~ill be completed this coming fall. A~~elcome precedent for thc <br />do~~mto~~~n arca is $~3.000 sct aside for public art. Thcsc fu~ids t~ave becn made available througfi tlie <br />Federal Trlnsit Administration's policy subsidizing art in public transit facilities ~~-ith the approval of the <br />Salem Area Mass Transit District board of directors <br />A communitv-based Public Art Advisory Committee has ~~~orked on this project since Februan and has <br />identified t~~•o possible locations for public art: ~ <br />I The Mark 0. Hatfield on the S~V corner of the square <br />2 ll~e Transit Nlall ~vaiting room, located in thc N~V corner of the buildine <br />It has long becn a goal of thc Riverfront-Do~~nto~rn Urban Renewal Plan (adopted in 197~, updated ^7arch <br />I 999) to enhancc, improv~, and sustain [he economic vitalitv of the Central Business District Although <br />there are several references to streetscape, the objective on page ~ of the Plan seems to clarif~ ~~our <br />commit-nent to this type of project: "To beautifi~ and enhance [he streetscape by participating in projects <br />~n~olving public an. landsc;iping, sidc~~~alk surfacing ' <br />Our comnuucc ~~ould likc to offcr ~ou an opportunit~ to ~nsurc achicvem~nt of~ that ~oal throu~~h <br />participation in this public art project for Courthouse Squarc. ~Ve voted unanimousl~ to r~yu~st mltchui~ <br />tiinds of $~8,OU0 from urban rcnc~~al fiinds for fiscal ~car ~000-2001. <br />Encloscd is a draft artist prosp~ctus that ~.ill czplain our projcct in grcater dc[ail. Listc;d arc committcc <br />members, and as `~ou can s~~, thc Communih~ Developm~nt Dcpartment and the Do~~~nto~~i~ D~velopment <br />Advison~ Board are ~~cll represented. <br />l am available to ans~~er aii~ qucstions or appear before th~ board to present our plan ~II mcmbers of th~ <br />committee sincerel~~ hope this ~~~ill be a first step to add this much-needed dim~nsion to our do~~nto~~~n <br />architecturc <br />Cordiall~~_ <br />`~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ <br />Elainc K Young _~~ <br />Projcc[ Consultant <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />