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~ ~ <br />which specializes in this type of work as a major part of its business. <br />B. Marion County reserves the right to approve the underground storage tank <br />removal firm based on review of its experience and references. <br />PART 2 - PRODUCTS <br />2.1 CONTAINMENT FOR TEMPORARY ON-SITE STOCKPILES OF CONTAMINATED <br />MATERIALS. <br />A. Impermeable barrier and cover: use plastic sheeting, 6 mil or thicker. <br />B. Erosion control: construct berms using hay bales. <br />PART 3 - EXECUTION <br />3.1 GENERAL <br />A. Remove asphalt and concrete as required to excavate the tank. Asphalt and <br />concrete removal shall be by saw cutting. ` <br />B. Dispose of fill and vent piping along with the storage tank. <br />C. Follow DEQ regulations and recommended practices for decommissioning and <br />removal of underground storage tanks and other Referenced Standards listed <br />above. <br />3.2 PRE-REMOVAL PROCEDURES <br />0 <br />A. Prior to removal of the tank from the ground, the following procedures rriust be <br />accomplished. <br />1. If necessary, pump out initial product in tank, either petroleum product or <br />petroleum-contaminated water, and dispose at a facility approved by the <br />DEQ. <br />2. Drain and flush all piping into the tank and remove all product and/or <br />rinsate from the tanlc. <br />3. Dispose of product, sludge, and rinsate at a facility approved by the DEQ. <br />4. Submit to the Engineer documentation of quantity of product disposed of <br />and a receipt from the approved disposal site. <br />3.3 TANK REMOVAL PROCEDURES <br />Excavation, Removal, Decontamination and Disposal of USTs 02085-4 <br />