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`~r.r ~r <br />A. Follow DEQ regulations and recommended practices for decommissioning and <br />removal of underground storage tanks and other Referenced Standards listed <br />above. <br />B. Special care shall be taken to not endanger the stability and integrity of adjacent <br />building foundations. Any damage or movement shall be repaired by Contractor <br />at no expense to Marion County. <br />3.4 INSPECTION AND SAMPLING <br />A. If the site of the tank removal is found to have a release of product, immediately <br />notify the Engineer. <br />B. After excavation and removal of the tank, the Engineer will evaluate the <br />excavation for potential contamination due to leaks from the tank system. <br />1. An inspection of the excavation for apparent signs of a release and/or <br />contamination of the soil will be made by the Engineer. <br />2. Soil samples will be taken by the Engineer from the excavation for <br />laboratory analysis for possible contamination. Samples will be analyzed <br />on a rush basis in order to not unduly delay the completion of the project. <br />The Engineer will provide or arrange required inspection sampling and <br />laboratory services. <br />3. Contractor will assist in obtaining soil samples, such as from backhoe <br />bucket, etc. <br />4. Water samples will also be taken if groundwater is found in excavation. <br />5. Provide dewatering of excavation per section 02221. <br />C. If the visual inspection and/or laboratory results indicate the presence of <br />contamination, additional excavation of soil may be necessary. This work will <br />proceed only under the immediate direction of the Engineer. <br />D. The excavation slopes shall be stabilized. <br />3.5 POST-REMOVAL OF TANK <br />A. Tank shall be removed from the premises the same day as excavation and <br />removal. <br />B. Final Project Report <br />1. Marion County, or its designated representative, will prepare a final <br />project report detailing the UST removal. <br />Excavation, Removal, Decontamination and Disposal of USTs 02085-5 <br />