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`~.~ <br />~ <br />2. Assist in this effort by submitting to the Engineer such information or <br />documentation as necessary, including, but not limited to: <br />a. Copies of receipts from disposal facility for any free product, <br />sludge, or rinsate removed from the tank. <br />b. A certified and notarized letter and/or bill of sale must be included <br />if the tank was sent or sold for scrap. If the tank is landfilled, <br />documentation must be included in the report to substantiate that <br />fact. <br />c. Copies of receipts from the approved disposal facility for disposal <br />of contaminated soil or other materials. <br />d. Copies of correspondence relating to the above items in the tank <br />removal project. <br />e. Copies of licenses issued to the firm, or individuals within the <br />firm, by DEQ or other regulatory agency for any of the following, <br />as appropriate: <br />(1) Tank Services Provider <br />(2) Supervision of Tank Installation and Retrofitting <br />(3) Supervision of Tank Decommissioning <br />(4) Supervision of Tank System Tightness Testing <br />(5) Supervision of Cathodic Protection System Testing <br />f. Any other information available regarding this project, including <br />tank and piping decommissioning and removal procedures used, <br />etc. <br />3.6 RELEASE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, PAINT, AND OTHER CONTAMINANTS <br />A. Protect against and prevent the entry of petroleum products, paint, chemicals, and <br />other contaminants into a waterway (including river, stream, slough, wetland, <br />etc.), storm sewer, sanitary sewer, or other drain system or onto land area. <br />B. In the event of spills into a waterway or drain system or onto any land area, <br />immediately contain and remove the spilled materials. Indemnify Marion County <br />from loss or expense as a result of such spill for which the Contractor is <br />responsible. <br />C. Notify the Engineer immediately if a spill occurs or if contamination is discovered <br />Excavation, Removal, Decontamination and Disposai of USTs 02085-6 <br />