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`""''' ~..ri <br />which indicates a release of petroleum products, paint, or other contaminants to <br />the environment. <br />3.7 NOTIFICATIONS <br />A. Immediately notify the Engineer of a spill and the action taken to contain the spill. <br />See Release of Petroleum Products, Paint, and Other Contaminants above. <br />B. Notify the Engineer prior to removal of underground storage tanks. T'he Engineer <br />will be present to observe tank removal. Marion County will take independent soil <br />and water samples as necessary for laboratory testing according to applicable <br />regulations. <br />C. Notify the Engineer immediately if soil contamination is discovered which <br />indicates a release of petroleum products, paint, or other contaminants to the <br />environment. <br />D. Notify Engineer if groundwater is found in the excavation. <br />3.8 DISPOSAL <br />A. Dispose of tanks and waste materials off-site and in accordance with applicable <br />local, state, and federal regulations. Disposal must be documented as specified in <br />Post-Removal of Tank. <br />B. On-site burning or burying of waste materials onsite is not permitted. <br />C. Disposal of waste materials within the area cleared, a river, stream, wetland, or <br />other waterway or waterfront is not permitted. <br />PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT <br />A. Payment for excavation, removal and decontamination of underground storage <br />tanks will be made on a lump sum basis for the UST at the Liu Building location. <br />Payment shall include all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals required for <br />the excavation, decontamination, removal and disposal of underground storage <br />tanks including all piping, fuel dispensers, and initial product in tank, either <br />petroleum product or petroleum-contaminated water. <br />B. Payment for excavation, removal and decontamination of underground storage <br />tanks encountered during investigation of suspect USTs (other than the Liu <br />Building UST) will be made on a time and materials basis. <br />END OF SECTION <br />Excavation, Removal, Decontamination and Disposal of USTs 02085-7 <br />